A Quiet Death and a Welcoming Awakening….

Mar 02, 2023 19:57

This is an original isekai story. I haven't been inspired to write anything in the last decade or so, but do some inside need/wish, I have decided to try and write again. It has been a very long time and I do hope everyone enjoys this. This is the first I hope among many chapters that come up with this story. All of this has been inspired by webcomics and the isekai genre.

Further chapters will include violence, sex acts, suggestive dialouge, etc. So while this is very "G" rated, the coming story will be less child friendly and will be Age Restricted.

Please enjoy the ride, I'm not sure how long this will be, but please enjoy the journey with me.

------- SF-chan

**Special Note:  The meaning of isekai.

“I” means “other” and “sekai” means “world”. Its about having a character being transported to another world, usually through a soul/spirit transfer. Another world could be a different world, dimension, universe, reality such as a video game.

Means of transportation include death of the Female Lead/Male Lead dying in their original world. Or they do a full body transport into the new realm. **


A Quiet Death and a Welcoming Awakening….

The door slammed shut and Elise slumped back against the door. Work had been excruciating just like it has been for the last couple of weeks. The boss was demanding more and more work from her and the others in the office? Yeah, those assholes were slacking off and trying to pass their projects off to her. But was the boss trying to stop that? No, of course not. He was trying to get her to quit anyway.

With a whimper she drew her knees up against her chest and encircled them. She was just so tired, she didn’t know how much longer she was going to last. There was nothing she could do. The higher ups didn’t care as long as the work was done. It was a truly morally bankrupt company. Overwork the good ones into quitting, and promoting everyone else that was a shit person with all the personality of a dead amoeba. It made no damn sense as to why they were like that. And it was even more baffling how the fuck they were making any kind of profit.

Just as she was thinking of getting up off the floor to go to her computer and write a letter of resignation- this job just wasn’t worth all the effort for the pay she was getting, the world tilted around her and great big black splotches appeared in her vision. With a cry of surprise she tried righting herself before she could fall but her limbs just didn’t have any strength. Her body felt heavy and stretched too thin for too damn long.

Her heart juddered in her chest alarmingly and she gasped for breath.

As she hit the floor with a resounding crash, a tremendous amount of pain ricocheted through her body. There her body lay on the floor, riddled with pain but unable to move. She continued to gasp for breath but it didn’t seem to fill her lungs. Black seeped around the edges of her vision like a fast creeping fog. Weakly she tried reaching for the phone that was so tantalizingly close to her, but her muscles proved too damn weak to even move her thin body.

She was dying.

That was the only thought she could come up with for why this was happening. Her work finally killed her.

A lone tear trickled out of the corner of her left eye and made a cold puddle under her cheek, her breath now came in erratic spurts, her heart slowing down with each beat, each second..The blackness now covered 98% of her vision… Slowly her eyes closed, her breathing stopped, lastly her heart stopped beating.

Her last thought before she died? Who would find her body?

Little did she know that this was only the beginning of something new as her spirit was whisked to some place far, far away…….


With a gasp Elise opened her eyes to the bright blinding sunshine. Birds chirped beyond the open window and a fresh breeze whipped its way around the room. Her heart raced as her eyes darted around the room.

This wasn’t her room!

The room she was now in was richly appointed with silver, and shades of blue and purple. The tapestries on the walls depicted fantastical scenes of battle and hunting. Was that a fucking unicorn?!

Where in the world was she?! This wasn’t her nearly bare studio apartment?!

More importantly, shouldn’t she be dead?!

With a weak groan she pushed herself up from the plush bedding and wobbled a moment or two while she got her bearings. Now that she was upright she could see the rest of the room. It had all the luxurious appointments of a high ranking noble in some webcomics she used to indulge in before work killed any desire to read when she came home.

She was so damn confused!! Where was she and why did it look like she landed in some rich person’s castle?!

Elise was about to go into full panic mode and hop out of bed when the door opened suddenly and there was a bellow/screech of surprise. Still feeling sluggish Elise never got to see who it was as someone crashed into her while wailing.

“Lady Kiraz!! Oh my dear, dear lady! You have awakened!” It was followed by intense sobbing and even more wailing. This racket brought in a plethora of more people she assumed by the varying shouts and exclamations being made.

Who was Lady Kiraz?!

So many questions and no damn answers.

All she could do was awkwardly pat the sobbing maid on the back. This was so fucking awkward.

“There, there, um…,” she paused as she realized she didn’t know the woman’s name. “Oh, ah…” That was enough to get the maid to pull back a little and give her an equally startled look.

“Oh my lady! You’ve been so sick for so long, it's no wonder that you have forgotten poor Hildy’s name!” The woman named Hildy patted Elise’s head consolingly. “The high fever you had was bound to make you forgetful once you woke up.”

Elise could only smile awkwardly in response and vaguely wondered what Hildy would say; she has NO memory of her OR of where she was, or who she was.

This was a nightmare of epic proportions.

character rebirth, original characters, au, transmigration, isekai, original story, fl, alternate dimension, original, character death, alternate universe

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