
May 01, 2012 11:41

So, its been a very long while since I've last posted here. Its getting longer and longer in between posts. Life sucks that much that I don't want to dump it on anyone anymore hardly, anywhere. And the more I've retreated to my little fantasy world.

Well the latest mega news I have is this. David and I are actually acting like civilized people toward each other. Amazing no? Well, just to let you all know. That don't mean jack towards our broken relationship. Yes, we are still looking at the big "D" word. In fact, its possible by the end of this year, we will be splitting, and it will be final.

I will finally be rid of the one person who once made me the happiest person in the world. But he slowly killed anything like that in me for him. Constant fighting about him being jobless and him not looking hard enough just broke us beyond all repair and we grew apart. Something that was not expected, but...Truthfully, I saw it coming. There was too much about him that he refused to change, mainly the one concerned with growing up. Him, not me. Plus, he is one selfish bastard, I mean he always was...but it got worse over the last few years, and I got tired of having to fight for every little thing from him.

I need phone minutes, clothes, shit like that. He'd go off and buy shit for himself and never think of me. Or Dylan unless Dylan was already with him or me for that matter. How can anyone be that thoughtless of their mate? Really? How much of a bastard do you have to be?

Anyway, so there might be much rejoicing at the end of the year. And I can't believe we are just one month shy of being half way through this one. Gods, where has the time gone? It seems to ever be accelerating.

Dylan has started T-ball. He had his second game last night. His team was 3 points shy of tying with the other one. A big improvement over Saturday's game which he lost by 10 points. But hey, their kids and they are there to have a lot of fun, which they are doing.

Anyway, going to go for now. Maybe I'll be posting more regularly after this.

emotions, dylan, jobs, divorce, general lfe

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