Not in a good mood now....

Nov 14, 2005 11:11

Ok, ya know what..I usually don't give a rats ass about what someone thinks of my RPG characters, but damn if this girl hadn't pissed me the fuck off. Here's why:

OOC: Oh crap...sorry...but....Oh God I'm not even going to bother.Damphire...Christ.Forgive me I just got home from work and I'm in a bit of a bad mood, and I detest damphires...but here we go...Just don't try to god all God mode or I will kill your character.I wish someone would play a fucking Noob character vampire for once...It's no fun if eveyone is all Bloody powerful.

You can see why I got a little pissed. My half-vampire character isn't that strong. Here's my charaters Bio:

Name: Anna Grey

Sex: Feamle

Age: Unknown at this time

Class: Dhampile

Height: 5'3"

Eyes: Violet-violet blue - but turns bloody red when in a bloodlust.

Hair: Dull pale violet with darker highlights/ slightly wavey

Clothes: Dark blue velvet cape with gold trim, and embroidered in an intricate ivy designs, again in gold thread, hood is lined with the softest and whitest rabbits' fur imaginable. Wears pirate like boots that go up to the knees of the softest black leather and ties shut on the inseam with leather thongs. Her pants are of the finest cloth and is also black in color. The shirt she wears is also of pirate design, but much more feminine, it is white with a dark blue short tight vest, leaving the billowing sleeves free. For hunting ( for sustenance ) she prefers to go barefoot and a soft seductive loose dress.She prefers to seduce her victims rather than taking it by force.

Weapons: Prefers to use a katana and a kodachi, or even sometimes her deadly war fan.

Mystical Abilities: ???

Description: Anna was born of a human woman and a male vampire. Her mother was raped by the local vampire nobleman and her father was killed in the raid to get her back. After finding out she was pregnant with Anna, her mother was put into seclusion in a far away convent where she later gave birth to her[Anna]. However after giving bith to the oddly colored girl, her mother didn't want anything to do with her, not before and certainly not after. Sadly, Anna's mother died shortly there after of childbith fever and lived with the good Sister's til her inhuman thirst for blood was awakened at the tender age of 13. Fearing for their lives the Sisters of the covent tried to kill the young dhampile, but Anna was able to get away. She met another female vampire, a kindly woman who taught Anna about herself and what her body was going through.After about 50 years Anna took off on her own, hoping she could find some measure of happiness...Anna has managed to find that happiness from time but true happiness always eludes her.

Can anyone see in this profile anything that would make her a God character? In fact I usually play her as a bumbling idiot despite her unknown age. Just because she is half human/vampire doesn't make her super strong at all, or even a god character. It just means she has more strength than the normal human does. And she can walk in the sunlight unlike a vampire. I deliberately left a lot out of her profile so she can develop more on her own through role-playing.

How can I explain to this idiot all this without causing a huge scene? Not to mention I don't want to look like a fucktard for arguing over the internet. Do I just tell her to read the fucking profile before jumping down her throat and leaving the group. cause I don't like this kind of attitude. I can respect that she had a bad day at work, but don't take it out on people jut role-playing and their characters. If anything this person should worry about this other character that is an MP ( mutiple personality ) who keeps dragging the RP back with her ridiculous antics. God, I can't even believe I'm pissed off about this. I'm still a fucktard! >.>


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