Another Bump in the Road.

Mar 25, 2010 04:11

So we've hit another bump in the road. My OB/GYN's staff called me about two hours ago about my blood work and told me the results instead of telling me tomorrow and said to get an ultrasound today. So I went and did it, and now comes another waiting game.

After it was done, it gets bumped to the radiologist on call and then on to someone else I imagine for a second opinion, and then on to my regular. They said they would keep me informed of everything and to be ready.

Apparently my HCG levels are still not climbing fast enough for them. And I don't blame them for worrying. Its been a rough week and it seems as if it's going to continue that way.

I'll keep you guys appraised of the situation as much as possible.

babies, pregnancy

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