18/100 ; like a hole in the head

Apr 02, 2006 01:23

Title: Like a hole in the head
Author: session416
Rating: G
Character(s): Mal, River
Prompt: Set 1, #018, "Hate"
Word Count: 313
Notes: Post-BDM.

He had come to hate himself for it. For finding that he felt certain ways about the girl that he couldn't right justify.

Mal didn't think he could be her father, but he could be her dad's younger brother-- a favourite uncle maybe. Regardless, there were enough years there for him to be less than comfortable when she started making advances.

If the two of them were stranded on a dessert border planet with nothing but one another to rely on and one blanket between them, would he be tempted to do something?

Damn right he is, but he won't.

He had survived the bloodiest battle of the war with the Alliance, he could survive this.

Nevermind that he never left Serenity behind. Can't leave it once you've seen it, been it, and got it.

But Mal had strength; he had fortitude. A little splint of a girl curled up beside him wasn't going to break that down.

No, sir.

And her hand was a curious little thing indeed, but Mal was a better man. A good man. The best kind of man.

The kind of man that didn't give into lechery out of convenience. He had the ideal situation: it was just her and him and nothing else, but he was above circumstance. He was above all those kind of things now.

The rest would be here any minute. Then it would be back to the way it was. Back to the ship with a need for engine repairs, for the crew to be put in line, for supplies and for fuel.

Back to where it was easy to avoid all of this, thinking, feeling, and what not. Back to the need's of the ship and not the need's of just one man.

Back to hating himself for what he won't ever do.

Any minute now.

They'll be here any minute now.



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