Jan 02, 2009 17:21
2008 is over. this is usually the time of year where people try to do a recap... i havent updated in quite some time, so let's see how well i can do this...
I think i'm going to try to talk about a few things that happened in 2008. i wont go into too much detail,, mostly because i dont think it is completely necessary....
last year, i made it my "new years resolution" to lose weight. january 7, 2008 i joined weight watchers. by june, i had lost fourty some pounds, and hit my doctor-approved weight loss "goal". by october, i was a lifetime member of weight watchers. To date, I have lost 61.5 lbs. in other words, i rock at new years resolutions. this year's resolution: to start working out. haha
in may, i graduated from MSU with a degree in Special Education- Learning Disabilities [[with honors]]. i haven't begun a job search yet due to the fact that MSU's teaching program makes you do a year of internship. halfway through the year of internship, i think that i can at least teach for a while.
i went to europe for a second time. visited awesome places such as: paris (including the louvre), versailles (<3), brussels, leuven, AMSTERDAM, utrecht, the hauge, and schaveningen. i also visited not-so-awesome brugge. while in amsterdam, i saw girl talk live. it.was.amazing.
i pretty much peaced out of AOII. i needed a break i guess. life is too busy to be overwhelmed by that right now.
barack obama won the election. not only is this awesome, but i saw him while he was in the D. and it was pretty awesome.
i spent a lot of time with my best frousin beth. highlights include: the words trollup, cunt, and cooter, our trip up north, trips to the EL, vegetable nights in, watching movies, monday meetings, GETTING TATTOOED!!!!, seeing GIRL TALK, flushing ids down the toilet, playing in the snow... and other various fun times.
all in all, if the end of 2008 is any indicator as to how 2009 is going to fare, i'm pretty excited for 2009.
year in review