Title : Miroku and This Sesshomaru: Chapter Two
Author : tasukigirl78
Fandom : Inuyasha
Pairing : Sesshomaru/Miroku
Rating : M, slash
Summary : Beauty and Beast Inuyasha style.
Warnings : Sesshomaru is very OOC.
"No Sesshomaru," answered Miroku softly, "I don't hate you, and I would be sad if I never saw you again, but I long to see my father again. Let me go for two months, and I promise to come back to you and stay here at your castle for the rest of my life.”
Sesshomaru who knew he would give Miroku anything replied:
“I can’t refuse you anything you ask, even though it should cost me my life, Take four boxes you will find in the room next to yours, and fill them with everything you wish to take with you. But remember your promise Miroku and come back when the two months are over, or you have cause to repent it, for if you don’t come back in time you will find this Sesshomaru dead from heartbreak. You will not need a horse to bring you back to me. Only say goodbye to your family the night before you come away, and when you have gone to bed turn this ring round upon your finger and say firmly: ‘I wish to go back to my palace and see my Sesshomaru again.’ Goodnight, Miroku. Fear nothing, sleep peacefully, and before long you shall see your father once more.”
As soon as Miroku was alone he fill the boxes with all the rare and precious things he saw around him, and only when he was tired of heaping things into them did they seem to be full.
Then he went to bed, but could hardly slept for he was excited about seeing his family again. And when he at last feel asleep he began to dream of his beloved Lord again. When he saw the Lord, Miroku grieved to see him stretched upon the grassy bank, sad and weary, and hardly like himself.
“What is the matter?” he cried
He looked at Miroku and said:
“How can you ask that? Are you not leaving me to my death perhaps?”
“Don’t be sad my Lord.” cried Miroku; “I am only going to my father so that I can assure him that I am safe and happy. I promised Sesshomaru that I would come back, and he would die of grief if I didn’t keep my word!”
“Why would that matter to you?” asked the Lord. “Surely you would not care!”
“I would be ungrateful if I didn’t care for such a kind demon,” cried Miroku indignantly. “I would die to save him from pain. I assure you it is not his fault that is so terrifying and ugly.”
Just then a strange sound woke him. Hearing someone speaking not very far away; and when he opened his eyes Miroku found himself in a room he had never seen before, which was certainly not nearly so splendid as those he used to in Sesshomaru’s palace. Where could he be? Miroku got up and dressed hastily, and then saw that the boxes he had packed the night before were all in the room. While he was wondering by what magic Sesshomaru had transported them and himself to this strange place, he suddenly heard his father’s voice and rushed out to greet him joyfully. Sango and Kagome were all astonished at his appearance, as they had never expect to see Miroku again, and there was no end to the questions they asked him. Miroku also had much to hear about what had happened to them while he was away, and of her father’s journey home. But when they heard that he had only come to be with them for a short time, and then must go back to Sesshomaru’s place forever, they grieved loudly. Then Miroku asked his father what he through could be the meaning of his strange dreams, and why the Lord constantly begged him not to trust appearances. After much thought, Myoga answered: “You tell me yourself that Sesshomaru, frightful as he is, loves you dearly, and deserves your love and gratitude for his gentleness and kindness’ I think the Lord must mean you to understand that you ought to reward him by doing as he wished you to, in spite of his ugliness.”
Miroku couldn’t help seeing that this seemed very probable; still, when he thought of his dear Lord who was so handsome, he didn’t feel at all inclined to marry Sesshomaru. At any rate, for two months he need not decide, but could enjoy himself with his sisters. But though they were rich now, and lived in town again, and had plenty of friends, Miroku found that nothing amused his very much; and he often thought of the palace, where he was so happy, especially as at home he never once dreamed of his dear Lord, and Miroku felt quite sad without him.