Oct 30, 2008 22:23
What fuck are you guys going to do with me?!
As some of you know my medical history in the past few years has been made of suck. it has pretty much been on bored the failboat doing barrel rolls. Slight recap
upper respatory fuckary and
gyno problems.
Stop reading now if you dont want details of the latter there, because an astonish discovery was made today and .. im not really sure how i am suposed to take it.
So. in 06 started bleeding, for months. didnt stop provera, stopped for 6 months, got on birth control, made ill puking and cramps so bad i would pretty just drop and curl into a ball. Stopped that b/c No periods for 9 months. GOt put on yaz, that just made me all sorta of fucked up and wanting to stabb people, quite literally. so stopped that after a month and a half. No period. until august. when it magically decides to say hey fuck you.
The bleeding hasnt stopped at all. So Last week I went to an obgyn. She told i was bleeding because Im fat. Yeah im bleeding because I am over weight. Oh and I have Polycysitic ovary syndrome. When asked about the blood tests to test androgyns and other things she told me it was unnecessary, That the blood tests would tell me nothing. She said my blood pressure was insanly high and i needto see someone to get treated for that, and my respatory problems are because of my weight as well. Okay. So feeling that i have a bacterial infection she placed me augmenton. Fuck you lady.
I left there so confused, no exam no nothing just your fucked up because your overweight. awesome. I KNEW it wasnt that. I knew i needed to see someone else.
This morning i woke up with cramps that i thought were going kill me. I walked to work crying, and stood there leaning up against a counter and said I can't do it. I can not stand here. I talked to one of the csms and she gave me the number to her doctor and told me to go make an appointment for today.
I did. and went. and spend about a half in hour answering medical question which was awesome. No one has done that before. He said it sounded like I have quite a few things going on, and wanted to take of the respatory ((I have accute broncitios btw)) first and also the gyno stuff. SO< did a full panel of blood work, tweo chest x-rays and a pelvic ultrasound.
The ultrasound did turn up some interesting results.
I have a cystic mass pushing up against my cervix. It looks exactly like a cystic ovary, EXACTLY, except the two ovarys a person is suposed to have are in the correct place. So I apperently have a third ovary. That doesnt have any blood flow to it, has dropped and wedged itself under my uteros is pushing against my cervix and has 10 cysts. yes 10. i was told that is a guarentee as to why I am bleeding and the reason for the pelvic pain on my right side. It is unknow at this time if it is in fact a random thrid ovary or something else, the doctor and the tech doingthe ultrasound were like well it looks exactly like a cystic overy it is just in the wrong place, and um there are your two ovarys.
Given my familys history to have the strangest weridest most unheard of disorders and medical conditions really leave it up to me to have a random extra organ that doesnt work and is causes more problems. I wont know exactly anything until after the radiologst looks at it and
I go back in 7 days/
I was told if i ever wanted kids i would have to have surgrys and some other proceadures.
I really dont know how to feel about all this. Im really not suprized at all. I dont want to be worried about it, I dont want to be too laid back it either, obveously it is something....
so thats my news. im gonna go eat a cookie and play world of warcraft now though.