I think I'm going to change the focus of this journal as I've grown up a lot since I've last posted semi-frequently.
So I figure I'm going to simply outline how my training is going and use it as motivation for continuing to go and to push myself even harder.
Tonight was exhausting.
Tech class focused on Kicks and Punches. We basically Jab Crossed for 15 minutes straight without rest.
The second round of Tech was free form kicks. No pads or anything and we rep-ed out kicks on each others thighs and sides. Of course going easy; We don't want to hurt each other.
Conditioning was murdering as usual.
I'll break it down this way
Round 1:
Mountain Climbing + Suspended Pushups (10 push-ups but, you hold the push-up position for an extended period as you go up and between the 3 sets you hold the position for 5-10 seconds)
Round 2:
Canonballs + V-Secs
Round 3:
10X4 (Pop Push-ups, V-secs, Bunny Hops, Burpies)
Round 4:
Pad Work
Rear Leg Knee + Rear Leg Kick
End of round cooldown 10 of each in rapid succession
Round 5:
Switch Knee + Switch Kick
End of round cooldown 10 of each in rapid succession
Round 6:
The Kru G Special (1 minute of each as many as you can)
Wides stance push-ups
Cannonballs (kind of crunch, knees to chest hands locked go over the head and as you crunch you bring them over to your shins like you're diving cannonball style)
Thai push-ups (hands close together, elbows brush by the bottom of your ribs as you push-up)
Diamond Push-ups (fuck off and die. I hate these push-ups.)
Collapse horribly as you are exhausted.
Thank Kru G for destroying your body and tell him you'll be back tomorrow for more.