It's Spring and you must know what that means:

May 18, 2007 14:00

... namely 'tis the season for Spring (insert your fine art of choice here) Concerts, performances, awards' dinner, and so on. Today the siblings are rushing about, getting ready for their Band Banquet. Mom's at the school, making gazillions of mums for Homecoming (which is months and months away) but these kind of Band fundraisers start early, you know.

And I'm parked at the computer, drinking iced tea. Mind you, I'm still waiting for grades to come in, because said grades will clue me in on how many classes to take this summer. But still. Iced tea soothes the anxiety and anticipation. Somewhat. Ah. Makes me glad I'm past my band years, honestly. XD

So what I'm trying to say is, boredom comes a knocking, flist. Entertain me?

That is my excuse for these memes.

Ask me to take pictures of any aspect of my life that you're interested in or curious about. It can be anything from my favorite shirt to my books. Leave your requests as a comment to this entry, and I'll snap the pictures and post them as soon as I can.

I am heroic couplets; most precise
And fond of order. Planned and structured. Nice.
I know, of course, just what I want; I know,
As well, what I will do to make it so.
This doesn't mean that I attempt to shun
Excitement, entertainment, pleasure, fun;
But they must keep their place, like all the rest;
They might be good, but ordered life is best. What Poetry Form Are You?

photos, real life apparently, poetry, meme, boredom strikes again!

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