Mar 05, 2007 14:42
So there I was... just sitting and writting my essay this morning for the class I was going to have about a half hour later like a good little college student, when someone sat next to me. I continued to type, not really caring... but suddenly, I breathed in, and felt a rush of squee. o_O And I stopped typing and breathed in again, just breathing in this wonderful wonderous scent that came from the person next to me. I was drowning in it, getting drugged by the scent of apples and deep watery goodness. I closed my eyes and relaxed, just inhaling the intoxicating scent... of a scorpio. Alas, before I could ask if he was one of my beloved scorpio's I had to go to class. T_T The world shall never know.
But I most certainly was totally intoxicated by the scent until someone smelling of cigarettes plopped down between us... damn gross cancer sticks. XP
Shut up, I am not obsessed.