
Nov 05, 2009 14:02

Feeling kinda down at the moment. For a start, I'm starting to miss home and all the luxuries it provides (free food and laundry spring to mind), and I just want a hug from my mum or Jenny. I've had a horrible, horrible headache for almost 2 weeks now, and I think it might be buggering up my eyes. On Halloween my right eye suddenly and inexplicably swelled up to the point that my flatmates thought I had been punched. Ibuprofen sorted that out and I haven't had a problem since, but my left eye keeps getting really bloodshot. I've finally registered with my local surgery so if the problem hasn't gone away by tomorrow I'll make an appointment.

Secondly, I had to give up my place on the TAPS screenwriting course. If you have me on Facebook you've probably kept up-to-date with thiss, but for those who don't:
TAPS is a screenwriting establishment who tour the UK giving workshops. If they like what you write, you get an oppurtunity to actually get your script filmed. Then, if they like that, they put you on theirr register where screenwriting companies hire you from. I found out they were in North Wales this upcoming weekend so I jumped at the chance, seeing as screenwriting is exactly what I want to do after uni.
I worked very hard at writing a synopsis for a 10-minute movie idea which I got very excited about. I sent it off with my application. A painful week of waiting later, I get the phone call telling me I've been accepted onto the course! Well, I managed to enjoy that pleasure for less than one day because whilst making travel plans I realised the trains on Saturday and Sunday wouldn't get me there on time. Hotel it is. There is only one in the Prestatyn area which is a little pricey, but I decided to go for it anyway. I got an email the next day saying the only room available for me was a £60-per-night room. She very kindly lowered it to £45 but that's still way too much, especially on top of travel and food expenses. So, with no other options, I regretfully had to decline my offer.

It's such a shame, because this would have been a fantastic experience for me, and so early on in my university course. However, I have a week off next week and I think maybe I just need to take advantage of that. I've been working extremely hard and feeling very ill, so I'm just going to do a week of nothing. I'll keep working on my 3000-word creative writing assignment (because I sort of haven't started it yet...), but nothing else. And at least I know my ideas are good enough for professional organisations to take interest.
That's something!

Hope everyone is okay! xxx

writing, uni, health

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