The Almost-Daily Meme

Oct 19, 2009 18:10

This was such a fun meme! Makes the week fly by!

day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book/ebook/ fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy

I wanted to do something witty and profound here, but nothing is ticklin' my fancy (innuendo entirely intended) more than Joe Lo Truglio so you're getting a picspam instead. Under the cut are pictures, videos, links, interviews and whatnot. I'm determined to make SOMEONE on my flist fall in love with him!

Joe Lo Truglio's official website

Interviewer: Have you been on a set where more things went wrong?
JLT: Things go wrong on every shoot. The other day, I was shooting a Stella video for David Wain in Englewood, NJ. You know, soft core dry-humping and face-licking on a picnic blanket, standard Stella fare. Anyway, cops were called. They asked for IDs. Turns out, we were shooting right behind Englewood Elementary School. Yay! I tell them we're shooting a student film. The cop says, "What school?" At the same time, David says "Columbia" and I say, "NYU."

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Interviewer: The success of movies created by Judd Apatow and David Wain has given a big boost to the comedy genre … what are your thoughts on their impact on Hollywood humor?
JLT: It’s all coming from a real place, the heroes are flawed and not pretty, awkward situations are addressed immediately and directly - I think these are appealing things for today’s audience.
And it works like gangbusters for humor too. As far as long-term impact, I don’t know. I bet Judd and David would be the first to admit they don’t think about impact, they just want to get movies made for as long as Hollywood lets them. Everything goes in cycles and phases. Slapstick and pie-throwing may be the next big thing in 2010, who knows?
God, I hope so. I love pie.

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THE LINE - Webseries about two friends waiting in line for a movie. Awesomely geeky!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven

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Interviewer: What was the worst thing you auditioned for?
JLT: The worst audition I had was for the "Jeff Foxworthy sketch show". You know, come up with three characters, 'bout a minute each. I didn't want to go in, but it was slim pickings out there, wanted to work, blah blah blah. So I work on some stuff, go in, start doing it. Nothing. I get a courtesy snicker. Not a laugh, a nose-in-the-air-I-see-what-you're-getting-at-but-it's-not-that-funny snicker. Then they stop me in the middle-- "do you have any other characters?" I’m pretty pissed at myself for coming in at this point. "Yeah," I say in my head, "how about four fucking seasons of characters, you twat. How about a character who takes a big shit on the floor of your casting office? That'd be funny, right?" But I did an ego check and rushed thru another so-so bit and left. When I came out, the receptionist literally said. "You're done already?" Not kidding. It was awful and not their fault. I didn't want to be there.

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A spoof of melodramatic soap operas with ridiculous plot-lines.

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Garant: So we were playing foursquare in the same wing [as Beavis & Butthead], divided only by cubicles, where 40 people were meticulously drawing, and they hated us. And at one point Joe was editing the sketch “Ride,” listening to Lenny Kravitz over and over again.
Lo Truglio: The sound was up too loud, I suppose, and one of them came over and said, “Will you please turn that down!?” And I was like, [flips the bird], you know? And there was a gasp. The next day a production assistant came over and said, “Look, you really offended one of the producers and, don’t worry, you’re not going to lose your job, but you’re going to have to go over there…” I remember laughing like, “Oh, really? I’m not going to lose my job?” I was a completely arrogant prick. So I went over with a five-dollar check, an apology card, flowers and a horrible painting of a clown that I bought in Times Square.

Joe's IMDb page

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That took me HOURS and I enjoyed every second of it! GOD I love that man! x

videos, the state, pictures, comedy, meme, joe lo truglio

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