Brad/Ryan oneshot - "End Credits"

Aug 21, 2007 05:11

Title: End Credits
Chapter: Oneshot
Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway
Genre: Slash
Pairing(s): Brad/Ryan
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making money from this.
A/N: AU. Kinda based on the end credits of US ep 8x08 where there’s a lovely moment between Brad and Ryan after some distant flirting :) This is my take on it, altered slightly in places to mould to my sleep-deprived yet overactive imagination.


Brad didn’t take his eyes off Ryan as he pressed the buzzer to signal the end of Questions Only. Nor did Ryan take his eyes off Brad. They both knew the audience would view it as for comic effect, but the truth ran far deeper than comedy.

As soon as he could, Brad leapt up from Drew’s chair and, with a cursory wave to the audience, made his way to the stage. He kept his eyes firmly on his target, who had taken a small step back to accommodate him. The blaring music dulled to white noise as Ryan smiled warmly at him.

Damn. Colin and Wayne stepped in front of him, clasping his hand in congratulations. A quick glance told Brad that Drew had done the same to Ryan. He returned his attention to Colin and Wayne and forced a half-genuine smile.

He continued to steal glances to his left, and felt his heart jump when he saw Ryan was doing the same. Although probably a lot more subtly than him.

At the first sign of Drew turning away from Ryan, Brad backed out of his conversation with Colin and Wayne and locked eye contact with the other man, silently determining with him if it was safe for him to come over. Ryan gave another of his killer smiles; Brad struggled not to instinctively smile back, nodded slightly and darted forward, his arm outstretched.

His skin tingled at Ryan’s touch, and he found himself reluctant to let go. As, apparently, did Ryan. They held each other for as long as they dared, their fingers twining together of their own accord, their secret smiles becoming not-so-secret. When Brad felt he couldn’t control himself any more - when he felt that overwhelming urge to leap into Ryan’s arms and press their lips together - he pulled on Ryan’s hand and performed an overly-silly handshake.

Was that disappointment in the other man’s eyes?

“You know, if it wasn’t for the audience,” said Ryan, maintaining a casual appearance, but his voice heavy and serious, “I’d have you right here, right now.”

Brad raised an eyebrow, “Oh you would, huh? Okay.”

He glanced over at the others, but he needn’t have been worried about prying eyes; Colin and Wayne were playing one of their funny little make-believe games and Drew was staring off into the middle-distance, in a world of his own.

He could feel Ryan behind him, staring at the back of his neck; Brad teased him, clapping along to the music, watching Wayne jump around the stage, doing anything but look at him.

“I, um…” Ryan stopped as Brad looked at him, wiping his hand nervously over his mouth. Brad loved it when that happened. He had the upper hand. He didn’t know how, but he had the upper hand. He folded his arms and waited for the rest of Ryan’s sentence.

“I don’t suppose you would ever…consider it.”

“Consider what?”

“Right here, right now. Except…not right now,” Ryan laughed nervously.

Brad just laughed, “Here? On this stage? Are you kidding?”

Ryan just stared at him. The music stopped. Brad’s jaw dropped slightly.

He was vaguely aware of Drew standing behind him, just as he was vaguely aware that the audience was still applauding; the only thing he was fully aware of was Ryan standing in front of him, offering an almost unbelievable offer that was making him more turned on than he cared to admit.

There was no helping it.

In a split-second, Brad pulled on the back of Ryan’s head and kissed him. No holds barred, he just kissed him. He didn’t stop when the audience fell silent; he didn’t stop when Drew tapped on his shoulder; he didn’t stop when Dan yelled ‘cut’. He was too far gone.

And it was time for the world to know it.


slash, fanfiction, brad/ryan, brad sherwood, whose line, ryan stiles

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