Exam stuff

Jun 06, 2008 16:08

Just did my Talk in Life and Literature exam. I think it went well. Could have gone better, for sure, particularly the Shakespeare bit, and it's definitely not going to be another full-marker :(
But I'm still confident that I'll get a decent grade! I revised my ass off for it (hence lack of updates recently), so, without sounding arrogant, I bloody well deserve it!

Just got the synoptic paper (Critical Approaches) to go. If anyone reads this and is doing that module (a long shot, I know, but it's worth a try), do you have any advice for me? I'm dreading it, I really am; I have no idea what I'm doing, particularly for question 2!
Still, after that, I am as free as a bird for the summer! Apart from the catch-up maths lessons...ugh...

Slightly scared that I got an email from theinnuendo requesting my address so that she could send me a present. :S But excited, too! x
Hope you're all well!

rant, english

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