Sep 14, 2007 16:33

Today. Has. Sucked.

It started off okay. Woke up. Got up. Got washed and dressed, had breakfast etc etc. Checked emails and saw shandi_mai has her internet back which has, so far, been the highlight of my day.

Just before 8, I walked up to the bus stop. Here is where it started to go downhill. Yes, before 8am.

Hannah took her phone out and played that really annoying song, "Beautiful Girl" by...you know, whatsisname. I sat through it with a pained smile. Four times. Four effing times.

The bus journey itself was fine - gave myself a bit of a headache by reading 'Touching Evil' by Kay Hooper, but it was worth it - Quentin, my favourite character from a previous book, 'Chill of Fear', turned up in it!

Got to school, Dan was at the doctors and Rosie and Matt were God knows where, so I was all on my own for registration.

Then Music. You may know that my Music lessons of late have, to put it mildly, sucked donkey balls. Today was no different. We were doing chords and chord progressions, which has ABSOLUTELY no relevence to the course I'm taking. I endured that for an hour.

Went to the library and read for a bit during my free period and break. Nearly passed out from hunger towards the end, so Dan force fed me a chocolate bar on the way to...Music!

Which, again, sucked! More chords and chord progressions, more uselessness. I nearly walked out several times, until ten minutes towards the end when I actually DID walk out, pretending that I had to rush off to a flute lesson.

Well, it was only partly a lie. I waited outside in the cold for a while until Dad picked me up to take me to my flute lesson. I seriously didn't understand what my teacher was going on about - I swear she was hearing my playing differently to how I was playing it. Or maybe I was. Iuno.

Anyway, went back to school in time for lunch - but had sandwich in the car on the way back, so I just went back to the library and read some more, feeling incredibly lonely and despondent.

Went to registration at 2ish - again, Dan, Rosie and Matt weren't there, and my tutor, Miss Dean, kept giving me those pity glances you get when you're sitting in a corner all by yourself. Really didn't improve my mood.

By this point I was on the verge of tears, and I really wasn't in the mood for English, so I just didn't go. I'll look back on that and regret it, I know, and I'm going to try my best to go to all my classes in the future. I'm ill enough as it is, I don't need truancy to up my unattendance.

Anyway, skived out on English and went back to the library AGAIN and finished the book I started yesterday then read some Edgar Allen Poe.

Went out to wait for the bus...and got two! Chaos. Even the bus drivers didn't have the faintest fucking clue what was going on, so after a lot of arguing/shouting/death threats, I yelled at everyone to shut up. Being assertive ain't usually my thing, so that really shocked everyone, including myself. I asked the bus drivers why there were two buses - both of them appeared to have been asked to do it, so they agreed that they both would do it. I got a bit pissed and yelled at them about pollution and waste, but then everyone else yelled at me for being a snob. Yeah, I'm a snob because I have the intelligence to see how stupid and wasteful taking TWO buses to a tiny village is.


I always hated living here.

Anyway, I mumbled something about "fine, fuck you", then tucked myself away on the bus and read some of 'The Stand'. Bus sailed RIGHT past my stop, even though I was standing by the door and I had to tell the bus driver to stop the damn thing.

With all this commotion about the buses, you'd think fate would allow me some joy, but nooooo. Instead, as I put my hand on the railing I got a painful and fairly deep cut on my thumb. But by now I was numb and practically had no soul so I just ignored it and walked home.

By the time I got home, it was bleeding quite badly. Mum seemed to sense that something had gone mightily wrong today, so she helped me clean it up and put a plaster on it, then listened to me as I bitched.

Then she said "I know something that'll make you smile - you're getting a new laptop!". "A new laptop?" said I, believing that my asploded one was just getting a nose job, "Does that mean I'm not getting my hard drive back?" Mum's face fell and she said, "I thought you didn't have anything on there." Well, no, nothing life-or-death important, but...you may recall a list I drew up a little while ago? Everything on that list has now gone. The two I'm most pissed off about: my plans for 'Scent of Fear' and 'Evergreen', particularly SoF which is just ridiculously complicated; the commentaries ZK, Bex, Tom and I did. I took very few pictures of that week, the commentaries were the only solid memory I had. And now they're gone. I managed to make 2 or 3 episodes, but all the rest (and the ones where we were shitfaced drunk) are all gone forever.

Dad brought the new laptop in halfway through me writing all this. I feel slightly resentful towards it. The old laptop was my friend...crappy and slow, but it was always there. I feel like I need time to grieve before I set up this new one that is supposedly better.


EDIT: Forgot another bit of bad karma. I got an email from WTATA saying there was a new upload on the cameo collection bit. Praises be, it was a Brad thing! Fate seemed to have turned! So I clicked on the link...and what happens?

"Your IP address has just downloaded 1037524 bytes. Please wait 2 minutes, then try your download again."

I wouldn't be so annoyed about this if it hadn't been FOUR FUCKING MONTHS since I've downloaded anything onto this computer!
I have been deprived of Bradness. This is the last straw. I am going to have a lengthy shower and many cups of tea and custard creams by the bucketload. THEN maybe I'll feel better. *buries self*

Thank you to all those who take the time to read this!

rant, family, friends, laptop, commentaries, college

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