Weekend of AWESOME.

Oct 10, 2010 03:32

I'm having a great time at sunny_bexster's place, with her boyfriend (who I've never met before, but is a really fun time!) and zombie_kitty666. I'd forgotten how much I miss these two!!!
So far we've watched a couple of episodes of South Park (the geeky ones: WoW & Facebook), Cannibal! The Musical (naked Matt Stone. Ya can't go wrong.), BASEketball (ditto), a few Nostalgia Critic reviews (I like that guy!), Glee ('Grilled Cheesus' is my new religion on Facebook!), The Room (which is SO bad, you HAVE to watch it!!! Hai doggy!), and part of Role Models (but now we're all drunk/tired/all of the above, so we've retired to our respective beds). Not to mention all the catch-up/reminiscent chats we've had.

Got a bit of time with them tomorrow, but I need to leave before 3 which really, really, REALLY sucks. Stupid Sunday trains. At least the return ticket was cheap. On a similar note, I'd like to thank Bex for giving me a nice, fun, cheap weekend. It was very much needed after Student Finance England's fuck up.

I'll be sad to go home tomorrow, but I am looking forward to seeing my housemates again! I especially miss Danni, and I feel a little guilty for leaving her when she was ill (even though I booked the tickets months before she got ill...).

All is good. I am happy. Hooray! :D

student finance england, friends, south park, matt stone

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