Oh, God, more???

Aug 11, 2010 12:36

"Controversial" meme from bookishlady242.

Do you believe in God? What religion are you?
No. I don't think I ever really have. I have nothing against religion (well, almost nothing), and I believe people should have to right to practice whatever religion they want. What I don't like (and this isn't exclusive to theists) are the extreme people who force their beliefs down other people's throats.

Do you believe in an afterlife? What do you believe happens when you die?
No. I don't really understand the notion of 'afterlife', or why people would want one. I suppose it's because I am a very literal person, so even getting on board with the idea that we have souls is just about impossible.

Are you proud to be from whatever country you are from?
I suppose so. I don't like that Britain seems to have become more and more submissive over the years, but yeah, it's an alright place to live.

What is your view on gay marriage?
I'm going to steal bookishlady242's answer to this one, because it's exactly how I feel: I am absolutely for gay marriage. I can't believe that it's 2010 and it's still not accepted as a basic human right. Interracial marriage was able to be accepted, why not this? There's pretty much no reason for it to be illegal at all except for church groups who lobby congress for an unknown reason. What on earth kind of country do we live in if someone can get drunk, go to Vegas, get married by Elvis and then choose to annul the marriage 24-hours later and that's perfectly legal, when two sophisticated writers who have been together 20 years can't get married because they have the same genitalia? Get it together, America.

Do you think sex before marriage is okay?
Yes, although there needs to be more education on contraception and protection. I don't understand people who go out, get drunk, nail some anonymous person and wind up with a baby they struggle to take care of. I'm almost 22 years old and I'm still a virgin, and until I find someone I know and trust, it will remain that way.

What are your views on love? Do you think it’s real? Do you think we only experience one love per lifetime? Does everyone have a soul mate?
Yes, I think love is real, and I certainly don't think it occurs once per lifetime. I really don't understand that mantra. You can feel love for your parents, your friends, your family, your pets, but when it comes to boyfriends and girlfriends you can only have it once? Bullshit. I don't believe in soulmates, although clearly certain people are more suited to each other, and I don't believe in predeterminism.

Do you want to get married and/or have kids?
Both, definitely. (Is that really a controversial question..?)

Do you think any drugs should be legalized? Do you think there should be an age for drinking?
I can't say I'm vastly educated on the different types of drugs, but yes, I think some should be legalised - people are getting their hands on it anyway. I don't think legality is even the issue. People need to be taught the ramifications of drug use and abuse, and how to say no. Too much of school education is about getting the kids to pass their exams, and not enough is about actually building them up to cope with the real world.
As for drinking, I think the laws we have in England are pretty much spot on. That you have to be 21 in America is kind of ridiculous to me - people are clearly drinking before that age, just lower it so they can have more fun with it and learn their limits.

Pro-life or pro-choice?
Pro-choice. Although I also believe people should take responsibility for their actions, of course there are instances where abortion is the right path.

What do you think about straight edge?
I fully support people who want to live without drugs, sex and alcohol, but I personally find that a rather pussy way of living. I'm going to have to quote South Park on this one: "All or nothing is easy. But learning to drink a little bit, responsibly? That's discipline."

What do you think about prostitution? Should it be legal?
As much as I dislike the idea of paying for sex, I'm going to say yes, but only if that meant they were working in a government-sanctioned, clean and fairly-run workplace. Obviously girls need to be taught that they should aspire to something greater, but if it's all they have and it's what they want, then why not?

What do you think about bisexuality?
Well, I am bi, so what do you think? :P Like most of the things on this list, there needs to be more education about it. I went through a hugely confusing period of my life where I thought I was swinging back and forth between gay and straight like a pendulum. Then I discovered this thing called 'bisexuality' and it slowly fell into place. I think I've mentioned this before, but I would like to set up an organisation that goes to schools and teaches children that there is this area of sexuality, that it isn't black and white.

Do you think there should be an age to get tattoos/piercings without the consent of a parent?
18 seems about right to me.

Do you believe in aliens?
I believe that somewhere else in the universe there is a place where there is sustainable life, but I don't believe in "aliens" in the typical sense.

Do you believe in regrets? Do you have any terrible ones?
I do believe in regrets but I don't really get them. If I make a mistake I strive for redemption, try to learn a lesson and move on.

What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
I know I want to be buried, but I don't know where. There isn't really a place that holds any special significance to me yet. But whatever, I'll be dead. Somewhere that's convenient for my mourners!

Have you experienced your ‘first true love’ yet? Do you believe you ever will?
No, but I'm sure it will happen - I'm not horrible!

What is your take on people who self harm (cutting, burning, scratching etc etc.)?
They need help. Whether consciously or unconsciously, self-harm is a way of expressing that something ain't right.

Do you think high schools should give out free contraceptive?
Yes, or at least point them in the direction of a family planning clinic.

What do you think about plastic surgery?
I think if it's for health reasons then it's absolutely fine, but if it's for vanity then it's not. I would never stop someone from getting it done, but I could never condone it. No one is perfect, and that's awesome.

What do you think about the death penalty?
I really, really don't know. On the one hand, there are clearly people who are beyond help, who are a menace to society; but on the other, capital punishment doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent. I'm not sure I'll ever make up my mind on this one.

Do you say your country’s national anthem/pledge of allegiance when it is said/listened to?
No. I don't even know much of it past the first line. We're not a very patriotic bunch - we will prove this at the 2012 Olympics.

What do you think about thinspo?
I didn't know what that was, so I Googled it. And holy crap, that is awful. There are some before and after pictures of people who have dieted, and honestly, some of them look like they're ill since losing weight. I know I need to tone up a little, but I would NEVER aspire to be as spindly and gaunt as those people. I'm perfectly happy at a size 14, thank you.



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