
Sep 02, 2006 03:42

so my dad lost his job
fuckin gay, but i'm getting over it already, which is good, i guess cuz there's alot of other stuff on my mind that i need to concentrate more on
i feel so bad for my dad, but in all hard honesty, it's more his preblam right now, i mean, it impacts me, but not finalcially or anything
i'm just putting faith in him, that he'll find a job very quickly, and this won't be nothing very soon.

fuckin stupid ass me
i read my school schedual wrong and found out i had class tuesday mornings
damn it
oh well, it's won't hurt my grade that much from missing what i have in the class much
nothing i can do about, so no sence in dwealing on it, i just have to change a few things, and w/e, it'll be done
i have to get a set pattern down on school still
i have been on task and doing well so far, but i want to set down a finally schedual of my pathetic life for the next 6 or so months, fuck!
w/e, i'll do it in a bit here

man, i finally got to close the store all by myself tonight
i had to do the paper work
i had to boss ppl around
i had to train ppl
i had to deal with all the stores stupid ass problems
i fucin loved it
i love be a manager, i now have to guilt for sitting in an office doing work and eating free
it's fuckin awsome!
managment is only hard for paper work shit, it's easy but it's all about schedualing ur time right each night
nothing to it, i just have to do it a few more times and i'll be nothin

i fucked up on a bit of the paper work, and some drawers were short, and i had way to many ppl on the clock for labour, but w/e
they'll take care of all the paper work and shit in the morning
and now i know what to ask for the next time

i joined a band
i work with the one guitarist maybe tomorrow but definetally sunday
and i know i can get it all down by the time they have the next show
which is the 22nd
it's cool, cuz they're a bigger band in the hardcore scene here, which is the only real scene here for rock, but w/e
they're not that bad, i only like em cuz they're melodic
and melodic's easy to play, lol
and it'll be cool to have some fame around town finally

that's all for now
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