Nov 05, 2009 22:56
1. SEPTA. Septic SEPTA. I predict a peak hour R5 Paoli train blowing up tomorrow morning. I also predict a strike a la 1998 (40 days long) rather than 2005 (7 days long.) Because it's a fucking disaster and it makes me feel pessimistic.
I'm not paying for their damn pensions. They can get me for tax evasion if they want but it'll have been worth it.
Nothing makes me feel like a Republican more than unions. We need us a Ronald Reagan/Margaret Thatcher up in here. (DID I SERIOUSLY JUST SAY THAT? I didn't mean it.)
I do believe that TWU workers make entirely too much money and they do a REALLY SHIT JOB. I never feel more hated than when I have to use dollar bills in the trolley. They're all rude. They can't drive. More than half of them hate white people (IT'S TRUE, FOR SERIOUS).
And they MAKE ALMOST TWICE AS MUCH AS I DO, after four years. Starting salary is about what mine is. But I don't get that kind of raise. Yes. It's true. Driving for SEPTA must suck major ass. But that's about the only kind of job you're going to get with a GED anyway, so just be glad you have one that pays as much as it does.
We could get into the socioeconomic barriers involved in college education--I was raised by a highly educated middle class white family in a suburban area with a top-rated public school system, for instance--but the world isn't fair, OK, and some people just have to overcome more to get there. Sorry. Don't hold us hostage because you don't like your job. Just do it or get another one. Damn.
I had a point once upon a time. There are just too many tangents to rant about re: the SEPTA shit. I tried to combine them all and it didn't work. I'm too tired to care. Yet... I'm still here...
2. Philadelphia men. They're pigs. I love Philadelphia but just once I'd like to be able to make the twenty-minute walk home without getting leered at four times. Do you think I'm going to have sex with you just because you stare at my rack and tell me I'm purdy? And Philly men wonder why Philly women have tunnel vision when they're walking alone. The iPod is a godsend.
3. Philadelphia Phillies. I don't care that much about baseball, honestly. But I really wanted us to smear New York. Some small victory in the "Philly v. NY" debate.
The Yankees are so damn smug.
I'm exhausted and I have to get up early or else I'd add more. I'm still deliriously happy overall. But bitching about things makes it so I can stop talking about them.
Except the SEPTA thing. I'm obsessed and I don't think I'll be otherwise anytime soon. (Once they're back up I plan to boycott. We'll see how long that lasts. DAMN YOU MONOPOLY.)