Gonna have to keep this one brief. I'm in an unexpected hurry.
Day 07 - Least favorite male Character.
This one's kind of a hard one. I don't think I've had a character, that I've hated from beginning to end; neither male or female. I've always gone through phases, in this series.
I was never big on Jack, because he seemed too...how to say, "shallow"? After it was revealed that he was a fraud, then I had an actual reason to hate him. Literally, everything that's happened, in Pandora Hearts, has happened because of him.
Then, there's Vincent. I have my ups and downs with Vince, and I did find him fascinating. However, I can't say I was too terribly attached to him, either. He's what I think Lelouch would be like, if he didn't have that insane amount of charisma. While he has every reason for being a head case, I just never really sympathized with him, much. I did, at one time, but all the shit he pulled, just so he could off himself, was just bad on every level. However, I will admit that I was a tad touched by his final moments. It didn't absolve him from all of his bullshit, but I'll, begrudgingly, give him that much.
Xai's a no-brainer. There's really nothing good about that guy, at all, but I never really paid much attention to him. What little character he had, could only be summed up as, "I hate Oz.", anyhow. Even though Oz's life was impacted by how much Xai hated him, I never found Xai to be that interesting. Merely a plot device, of sorts.
In, the end, I think my least favorite would have to be Leo. I liked him, at first, because he was the only one who could get Elliot to behave. (It took a long time for me to warm up to Elliot. His tendency to fly off the handle, every three seconds, got super-annoying, really fast.) However, after the Second Coming-of-Age arc, I kinda lost all respect for him. I understand being completely broken, by losing the one person, you devoted yourself to. However, Leo took it way too far, and he ended up causing a lot of shit, because of it.
The real irony in all of this, is that Leo was the new Glen. However, his actions ended up being more like Jack's. Sure, he managed to get a clue, eventually, but for me, it was too little, too late.
Day 01 - Why do you like Pandora Hearts?
Day 02 - How did you get to know of Pandora Hearts?
Day 03 - What was your first reaction after read/watching it?
Day 04 - Could you imagine your life without it?
Day 05 - Random Screenshot.
Day 06 - Favorite male Character.
Day 07 - Least favorite male Character.
Day 08 - Random Fanart.
Day 09 - Favorite female Character.
Day 10 - Least favorite female Character.
Day 11 - Favourite chain.
Day 12 - You meet older and younger Gilbert, who do you refer to as Gil and who as Gilbert?
Day 13 - Favorite Pairing.
Day 14 - Least favorite Pairing.
Day 15 - Favorite Episode.
Day 16 - Saddest Episode.
Day 17 - Funniest Episode.
Day 18 - Favorite character past.
Day 19 - Least favorite character past.
Day 20 - Random Gif.
Day 21 - A song that reminds you of one of the Characters or Pairings.
Day 22 - A song that reminds you of Pandora Hearts.
Day 23 - Anime or Manga?
Day 24 - Who do you think would look good as the opposite sex?
Day 25 - Favorite Quote.
Day 26 - Random page from Manga.
Day 27 - Character you relate to the Most?
Day 28 - Character you wish they would kill off ASAP?
Day 29 - Favorite Manga Volume.
Day 30 - Why you would recommend Pandora Hearts to others?