Day 04 - Could you imagine your life without it?
Not really sure how to answer this, to be honest. On one hand, it would have saved me a lot of grief, after things started spiraling out of control. However, if I didn't have Pandora, in my life, I would have never gotten attached so such a colorful group of characters. I wouldn't have gotten to see their wonderful development, over the course of such a beautiful, yet tragic, story. Most of all, though, I wouldn't have learned such valuable lessons, from each of them.
So, even though I got scared, and dropped out, for a bit, I ended up coming back, and faced everything else, head-on, with the rest of them. Yes, I fully admit that I ended up dropping out of the fandom, for a short while, because I was afraid of facing one certain event. However, right before and after it happened, I resolved to see everyone else through to the end. I wanted to see where everyone else would end up, and what kind of an ending it would have.
I suppose I could go a little more into how I adapted some of those lessons into my life, but I'm going to save it for Day 6. I know the answer to that topic is extremely obvious, but the lessons I learned from him, ended up touching me in a very personal way. Therefore, I will save those thoughts, for Tuesday, when I finally express my deepest appreciation for him.
Day 01 - Why do you like Pandora Hearts?
Day 02 - How did you get to know of Pandora Hearts?
Day 03 - What was your first reaction after read/watching it?
Day 04 - Could you imagine your life without it?
Day 05 - Random Screenshot.
Day 06 - Favorite male Character.
Day 07 - Least favorite male Character.
Day 08 - Random Fanart.
Day 09 - Favorite female Character.
Day 10 - Least favorite female Character.
Day 11 - Favourite chain.
Day 12 - You meet older and younger Gilbert, who do you refer to as Gil and who as Gilbert?
Day 13 - Favorite Pairing.
Day 14 - Least favorite Pairing.
Day 15 - Favorite Episode.
Day 16 - Saddest Episode.
Day 17 - Funniest Episode.
Day 18 - Favorite character past.
Day 19 - Least favorite character past.
Day 20 - Random Gif.
Day 21 - A song that reminds you of one of the Characters or Pairings.
Day 22 - A song that reminds you of Pandora Hearts.
Day 23 - Anime or Manga?
Day 24 - Who do you think would look good as the opposite sex?
Day 25 - Favorite Quote.
Day 26 - Random page from Manga.
Day 27 - Character you relate to the Most?
Day 28 - Character you wish they would kill off ASAP?
Day 29 - Favorite Manga Volume.
Day 30 - Why you would recommend Pandora Hearts to others?