Too Good for Him (H/D, PG)

Oct 02, 2007 05:52

Title: Too Good For Him
Author/Artist: sesheta_66
Beta: charmed310
Requestor: nomeci
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Wordcount: ~1785 words
Summary: Harry had finally found happiness. Draco had finally found a partner. Insecurities arose and their hopes were dashed. Can they find it within themselves to forgive and forget, or will the resolution they secretly long for be lost?
Disclaimer: Characters and setting all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No infringement is intended, and no money is being earned.
A/N: The request was for slashfest: I would love a post-Hogwarts fic where Harry & Draco had been a couple at some point before and had a nasty break up. They run into each other later (by accident or by interference from friends) and after fighting about why they broke up, they realize it was a mistake and begin again...

Draco glared at Pansy.

"What?" she asked, feigning innocence.

"You know very well what." His gaze shifted to a place behind her. As she turned, she saw Potter sitting at a table with Granger and the Weaselette.

"What? Now I'm supposed to know Potter's schedule and plan around that? I asked you here for a nice lunch, and if you don't wipe that scowl off your face, I'll make you pay for it."

He looked sceptically at her, his brows furrowed, but didn't pursue the conversation.

"What's he doing here?" Harry huffed, clearly agitated.

"Who?" asked Hermione and Ginny together.

Harry glared at the two of them and motioned in Draco's direction.

"Well," Hermione said, "I would imagine that he's here to have lunch, just like we are. And speaking of lunch …." Her voice faded to a hum, as Harry's anger bubbled up inside him.

"That was delicious!" Pansy announced as she pushed aside her now empty plate. "How was yours?"

Draco was startled at being addressed. "What?"

"I asked you how your meal was."

"Oh. Fine … it was fine." Truthfully, he didn't know how his meal had been. He hadn't tasted any of it, as he was far too distracted by Harry's presence to notice anything so trivial as lunch.

"Why don't you just go over and talk to him, Draco? You obviously want to."

"No, I don't. I'm just … irritated that he's here. I would have enjoyed the meal - and the present company - much more had he not been."

She shot him a look as if to say, 'You're so full of shit.' "Whatever you say, Draco," she replied, rolling her eyes in disbelief.

"Harry!" Ginny practically yelled.

"What?" he asked, frowning at the fact that she was shouting at him.

"I've asked you three times already if you're planning to drop by the Burrow on the weekend. Honestly, Harry, why not just go talk to him?"

"I just … well …." He didn't know how to answer that. He didn't know if he wanted to talk to Draco or not. He was so surprised to see Draco here and now that he hadn't had time to prepare himself for a face-to-face meeting. Or confrontation he thought, knowing that it would be a volatile encounter at best when they eventually spoke.

He recalled their last meeting - the last time he had seen Draco, talked to him, kissed him. It hadn't been pleasant. In fact, the only thing pleasant about that last meeting was their quick, chaste kiss hello. Harry sighed as he recalled the conversation as though it had happened only yesterday.

Draco had wanted to keep things quiet, with only their closest friends knowing. "No one else need know about us," he had said. But Harry had wanted to shout it from the rooftops. He had never felt that way about anyone before, and he wanted the whole world to know that he was in love, and that the snarky blonde Slytherin, who had been the bane of his existence for seven years, was now the love of his life.

Draco had told Harry that he needed time, but Harry hadn’t been fooled. He knew perfectly well that meant he was ashamed of his feelings, of their relationship, and Harry in turn had said that he wasn't willing to live a lie. A heated discussion ensued and they had ended up calling things off.

"Alright, then," Harry said suddenly, jumping up and marching over to where Draco sat with Pansy, leaving Hermione and Ginny to watch from the sidelines.



"Might I have a word, Draco?"

"I believe you just did. Five, in fact."

Pansy snorted and got up. "Prat," she said, elbowing Draco in the arm. "I'll leave you to it, shall I?"

Harry smiled at the unexpected support. "Yeah, thanks."

"What do you want?" Draco asked as soon as Pansy was out of earshot, not giving Harry the chance to take charge of the conversation.

"To talk."

"When have you ever wanted to talk with me, Harry? Dictate, order, barge ahead without thinking perhaps, but talk? Never! Why start now?"

"That's not fair! I told you how I felt, and you didn't care!" Suddenly aware of the number of people around them, Harry ushered Draco outside to carry on their conversation beyond earshot of others. As soon as the door shut, he continued. "You were ashamed of me, ashamed of us, and you wanted to keep our relationship hidden, like there was something wrong with it. Your dirty little secret. Well, I'm not --"

Draco interrupted with a derisive laugh that was practically barked. "My dirty little secret?! You have got to be kidding me! I was shagging the most eligible bachelor in the wizarding world, and you think that I would have been ashamed? Merlin, Harry, are you really that thick?" Draco practically shouted. "Never mind. Don't answer that. Of course you would think that, because you haven't the slightest clue how attractive you are. How devastatingly charming you are in that ridiculously innocent way of yours. Of course you would think that I, a Death Eater's son, and former Dark Lord follower myself, would be the one with something to hide! I was only saving you from yourself. You were, and always will be too good for me, Harry, and you know it."

"Give me a break, Draco. You never could stand me or my Gryffindor friends. You always said how stupid and naïve we all were. How I would never understand the way things worked in the real world. What did you used to say to me all the time? Oh yes, right … 'One of these days you'll figure out that the world isn't all black and white, Harry. There are a lot of shades of grey that you miss out on. By the time you figure it out, it'll probably be too late for you to appreciate it.' Is that right? Isn't that what you thought of me? I'm too stupid to figure out that the best things in life, like the man I loved, are all in that grey area. I already knew that, Draco. I knew that you were flawed, and that your flaws made you all the more perfect for me. I am far from being perfect, in case you hadn't noticed, so why would I want to be with someone pristine? You were all I ever wanted, all I ever needed, and you challenged me in ways no one else ever could. We were … at least I thought … perfect for each other."

They both stood there in silence, seemingly unaware that a light rain had started to fall, processing the words they had just spoken. After a few minutes, Draco broke the silence. "You thought I was perfect for you?"

Harry nodded. "You think I'm charming?" Harry asked, sounding a bit confused.

Draco nodded. "And you're not seeing through your Gryffindor-ish rose-coloured glasses? You know I'm flawed?"

"Wouldn't want you any other way," Harry said sheepishly, his head bent to avoid getting rain in his face.

"So why was it that you insisted on telling everyone about us?" Draco asked.

"Dunno. I suppose I'd never been that happy before, had never felt so … loved. And I just wanted everyone to know … well, to know that I loved you with all my heart, and that you were the best thing to ever happen to me." He dared to look up at Draco after that, to find him staring, mouth open, seemingly in shock.

"I didn't know," Draco said, his voice so soft that Harry had to lean in a bit to hear him. "I just thought that maybe, you know, you wanted to get it all out in the open, in the hopes that … " He turned away, leaving his thoughts unfinished.

"That what, Draco?"

"That maybe all the attention would be too much for me, and I'd leave."

"What?! Why would you think that? I loved you, and I wanted the world to know about it. It was you that wanted to keep things secret."

"I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"That everyone would tell you what I already knew. That you were too good for me, and then … then you would break up with me, and I'd be … devastated."

"Well that's stupid!" Harry said, not believing what he was hearing.

"And your sensitivity comes shining through, as always!" Draco said, shaking off the rain and reaching for the door.

"No, Draco. Wait!" Harry said, grabbing his wrist and preventing him from going back inside. "I don't mean your feelings were stupid, or your fears were stupid."

"Right," Draco replied, narrowing his eyes in challenge.

"No, I meant the part about me being too good for you. Where the hell did you get that idea?"

"Oh, I don't know. Saviour of the wizarding world, do-gooder Gryffindor and all that, perhaps?" Sarcasm oozed from every word.

"Wasn't it you who always told me - oh, and anyone else that would listen - that I broke the rules all the time? And that it was only sheer luck and being Dumbledore's favourite that had me getting away with more than you ever did?"

"Well ..."

"And I'm quite sure I remember you pointing out quite a number of my faults over the years."

"Well, yeah, but ..."

"But what, Draco? The public? The Prophet? Surely you didn't think any of that would mean more to me than you? That doesn't say much about your faith in me, that's for sure."

Draco had the good grace to look ashamed. "Sorry," he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that? I'm quite sure I didn't hear that correctly. I mean ... it almost sounded like an apology."



"So ..."

"So ..."

"Why was it that we broke up again?" Draco asked.

"Not really sure. Some stupid reason, I think."

"Seems like it," Draco agreed.

"Let’s go back inside," Harry suggested. "I’m getting soaked."

"Me too," Draco said, leading the way. When they reached his table, he stopped to dry off his and Harry’s robes with a wave of his wand. "Better?"

Harry nodded and smiled. "So, are you ready for people to know now?"

"Know what?" Draco asked hesitantly.

Harry wrapped one arm around Draco's waist, pulling their bodies closer together. As he lifted Draco's chin up and gazed into the deep grey pools of his eyes, he whispered, "This," before leaning in for a kiss. And right there, in the middle of the restaurant, in front of everyone, Draco kissed him back.

fluff, slashfest, h/d

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