Fluffy Bunnies - Part 1/2 - Soft and Cuddly (H/D, PG)

Sep 26, 2007 19:35

Title: Fluffy Bunnies - Part 1/2 - Soft and Cuddly
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 200
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, their daughters Alexa & Cecilia
Challenge: For noa_luna's birthday prompt of "Fluffy Bunnies."
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Can we, can we, can we?" Cecilia begged. "Please, Papa, pleeeease?"

Alexa rolled her eyes at her little sister and huffed, "It's 'may we' not 'can we,' you know." Draco thought she sounded alarmingly like Granger when she did that.

"Okay," Cecilia corrected, "may we, may we, may we? Pleeeease, Papa?" she begged again.

Draco was presently out shopping with his two daughters, trying to give Harry some alone time. Of course, Draco loved to shop, so it was hardly a hardship. Harry, knowing this, had warned him not to get hoodwinked into buying up an entire shop's worth of merchandise. Draco, looking affronted, had assured Harry that he was not so easily swayed.

"Oh, alright," Draco caved. "You may have a bunny."

Rolling her eyes again, Alexa said, "Bunnies are so impractical. I mean, honestly, what good are they?"

Cecilia plunked one of the fluffy bundles into her sister's arms, announcing, "They're soft and cuddly," as if that explained everything.

Draco smiled as he watched the cold façade on his oldest daughter's face melt as the bunny squirmed in her arms, and she brought her face down to nuzzle the bunny's furry neck.

"So, that'll be two fluffy bunnies, then?"

Part 2 - A Little Something for Harry

bday gift 07, daughters, bday, fluff, h/d

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