A Hero's Life (H/D, 14+)

Sep 03, 2007 13:27

Title: A Hero's Life
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: 14+
Word Count: 1760
Challenges: September 07's The Challenge at dracoharry100 - all three prompts: "A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her"; the picture prompt; and "It's been awhile, but I can still remember just the way you taste."
Warnings: DH spoilers. Angst.
Summary: Is ( Read more... )

angst, dracoharry100, challenge

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Comments 58

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sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 18:26:22 UTC
Um ... I guess that's a good thing, since it is angst ... um, sorry? If it makes you feel any better, I cried while I wrote it. *shrugs*

Glad you enjoyed it, despite the angst. This one, sadly, has no uplifting sequel waiting in the wings. But I do write lots of fluffier stuff (everything's posted in my journal).

Or ... if you need a fluffy pick-me-up, you can mosey on over to hd_fluff ... all fluff, all the time, guaranteed!

Thanks for reading and commenting. *hands you tissues*


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sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 18:36:29 UTC
Well, just so you know, if I warn for angst, it means there's no hopeful or happy ending (and it'll be REALLY angsty). No warning, even if it's angsty, usually means there's at least some hope by the end.

Thanks again for reading.


magicallioness September 3 2007, 18:29:57 UTC
*bawls* Whaaaaa! You can't just leave it there! It's too sad and they should be together and ... and I guess this is how real life would've worked... I loved it, even though it tears me up inside *sniffles*

Oh and *does first reviewers dance*


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 18:39:46 UTC
Hmmm ... it seems while you were typing, someone else beat you to the post. But have some cookies anyway ...

Well, while I agree they belong together, this baby is a one-shot that ends here - angst to the bitter end. No happy endings this time around. *hands you tissue*

Thanks for reading & commenting & I'm glad you liked it.


magicallioness September 3 2007, 19:42:43 UTC
Argh! And here I thought I would finally be the quick one. Oh well, at least I was first when I *started* typing... *grumbles*. The cookies are delicious btw.

And thanks for the tissues *dabs at eyes*.

No excuses for the unhappy ending. If it'd been happy, the whole story would've been ruined.


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 21:15:39 UTC
If it'd been happy, the whole story would've been ruined. - Agreed. :)


knic26 September 3 2007, 18:42:00 UTC
WOW!! That was painful (in a very good way). Thank you for sharing the angst.


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 18:45:42 UTC
*preens* - Thanks.


fresica September 3 2007, 18:52:38 UTC
How deliciously depressing. Stupid Draco~!


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 19:11:04 UTC
How deliciously depressing - thanks.

Stupid Draco - indeed.


nimielle September 3 2007, 19:07:44 UTC



This was soooo well written but OMG! So horribly sad. God now I am depressed.


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 19:12:16 UTC
*hands you tissues*

Thanks ♥

God now I am depressed. - May I suggest hd_fluff?


nimielle September 3 2007, 19:47:49 UTC
*sniffs* Thanks!

Heh, that comment just about made my day! :D


sesheta_66 September 3 2007, 21:17:06 UTC


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