The Bedroom (H/D, PG-13)

Jan 27, 2007 13:06

Title:   The Bedroom
Rating:   PG13
Pairing:   HP/DM
Summary:   Harry and Draco pay a visit to Privet Drive
Challenge:    What did you say that was?
Word Count:   222
Genre:   Slash Romance
Warnings:   No beta.
A/N:   X-posted to 
harry_draco.  Written in response to
jamie2109’s AWDT challenge
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

“Wait a minute, Potter. What did you say that was?”

“I said that was my bedroom from the time I came to live with my aunt and uncle until I went home after my first year at Hogwarts. After that, they were too scared that Dumbledore was watching them, so they moved me upstairs to Dudley’s second bedroom.”

“But … but … that’s a cupboard! And it’s not even a full cupboard, because it’s under the bloody stairs!”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

“Well, at least my aunt did something constructive in her own, twisted way.”


“Well, this is how I see things. If dear Auntie Bella hadn’t offed them when she did -- Oh, really, Harry, how can you mourn their loss after everything they did to you? -- Anyway, if she hadn’t offed them, I would have been left with the job.”

“Draco, what are you on about?”

“You don’t seriously think I would have allowed them to live after how they treated my - well, you know what I mean.”

“How they treated your what, Draco?”

“Well …er … oh alright … how they treated the love of my life. There. I said it. I won’t say it again. They’re just lucky Auntie Bella got to them first, that’s all I can say ... ”

“I love you too Draco.”

awdt, h/d

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