Title: Wind (Part 1/7 of Coming Home)
sesheta_66 Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 320
Pairing/Characters: Harry, past Harry/Draco
100quills prompt 001 - wind
Warnings: No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary: Harry has been away for three years when he receives an invitation to a wedding.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
As the wind swirled around Harry's head, he was reminded of the day he had left England, had left his life behind, had left Draco. It was a day similar to this, and the reminder sent a chill down his spine.
Shaking off the memory, Harry made his way to the market to pick up some fruit. Earlier in the week, he had received an owl inviting him to the upcoming wedding of Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. He had been thinking of very little besides England - and Draco - ever since.
His head turned every time he saw a shock of blonde hair, but of course it was never Draco.
The two had never publicly acknowledged their relationship; in fact, unless Draco had told someone, nobody knew about it to this day but them. Not even Hermione and Ron. Especially not Ron.
That all seemed so far away now, and not only the distance. As he thought of Draco and their relationship - if it could be called that - Harry wondered why it was that they hadn't acknowledged it with anyone. After all, in hindsight it truly was the best thing that had happened to Harry, and if he was to be believed, Draco had felt the same way.
That had been three years ago. Harry wondered if Draco still felt the same way. More than likely, he had moved on with his life, and had found someone else. Someone that didn't come with all the baggage that Harry did. The thought made Harry ill.
He had immediately returned the owl with his acceptance, looking forward to wishing his friends well, but now that he had had a few days to think about things, he wasn't sure. How would he face Draco if he saw him with someone else?
As the wind picked up again, it seemed to taunt Harry, reflecting the swirling emotions within him.
Part 2 - Weather