Joy - Part 9/10 of Getting There (H/D, PG-13)

Aug 10, 2007 01:48

Title: Joy (Part 9/10 of Getting There)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 745
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Part 9 of 10 for 10_themes challenge
Warnings: EXTREME fluff. No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary: The wedding is on again.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Just starting out? Click here to start at the beginning.

Ten days later, Ginny had been read the riot act (actually, Harry had told her to accept Draco or lose him as a friend forever), the wedding was back on, Ginny was removed from the guest list, the pressure was mounting, and Draco couldn't have been happier. He truly was in his element ordering people around. But he wasn't about to tell Harry that.

The wedding preparations went off without too many hitches, and the day was upon them in no time. Under strict instructions from both Pansy and Hermione, Draco and Harry did not spend the night together. Draco had stayed at the Manor instead.

On Narcissa's invitation they had agreed to have the wedding on the grounds of Malfoy Manor, something Draco was thrilled about. He watched as his mother, the epitome of the perfect hostess, took over the ordering around of everyone, which gave him a bit more time to go over his vows before the ceremony.

He had heard about pre-wedding jitters, and was expecting to feel nervous on the day, but was surprised to find himself quite calm. As he read over the vows he had written, he smiled knowing that he had nothing to be nervous about. No second thoughts, nobody else he could ever imagine being with. Only Harry.

Once all the guests were seated, Draco took his place by the door, looking out to see Blaise and Ron already standing by, waiting for the two grooms. As he turned to see if Harry was coming, familiar arms wrapped around him from behind, andhe felt warm lips on his neck.

"You'd better be careful," Draco said. "I'm about to get married, and my fiancé is a very jealous man."

"Well, I hardly think that's fair, depriving so many men of the opportunity to hold you in their arms."

"Ah, but there's only one man for me, for the rest of my life, and I'm about to make an honest man out of him."

"Good answer. Shall we get on with this then?" Harry asked, placing another kiss on Draco's neck.

"Hmm … if you don't stop that, I'm afraid we might not make it to the ceremony."

"Oh alright then. Let's go."

Arm in arm they walked down the aisle to stand together in front of friends and family, to pledge themselves to each other forever.

"We are gathered here today," the vicar began, "to join these two men together in love and in life. I understand that the two of you have written your own vows?"

"Yes," Draco replied. Harry nodded.

"Then I will ask you to read them to each other before all these witnesses."

Harry began. "Draco, we've been through so much, I can hardly believe that it's been less than two years that we've been together. I can barely remember my life before you and can't imagine my life without you. When I think back to when we first met, all that time wasted, I realize that even then you were an important part of my life. As strange as it sounds, I think the constant friction between us made me a stronger person in the long run. Stronger and more compassionate, because you showed me how people can change, can grow, and can become more than just what others expect them to be. You have helped me become the man I am today, and I wouldn‘t want you any other way."

"Harry, you brought joy into my life when I didn't know what to expect, when I thought I might never experience it again. We started out roughly as children, learned to detest each other as we grew up, then faced decisions and war at a young age. We both suffered, but we were stronger for it. We helped each other heal, first as acquaintances, then as friends, and eventually as much more. You mean more to me than I ever thought possible, and I look forward to a lifetime together with you."

"Harry," the vicar began. "Do you take Draco to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"

"Yes, I do."

"And Draco, do you take Harry to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"

Looking into Harry‘s eyes, seeing the outpouring of joy and love in the emerald depths, Draco spoke to Harry directly. "Yes, I do."

"I now pronounce you legally wed. You may now seal your union with a kiss."

Part 10 - Excitement

gj, 10_themes, getting there

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