Prompting is open over at
serpentinelion for the H/D Glompfest 2019!
Are you an H/D pom-pom waver of the first order? Do you read and comment on fic until your eyes cross and your fingers bleed? Have you ever wished you could get your own gift fic or art in a fest, but couldn't because you don't write or draw in the H/D fandom? Well, now's your chance!
The H/D Glompfest (hosted at
serpentinelion) was created so H/D writers and artists (and new this year - podficcer and translator!) could show their appreciation directly to the people who make posting their creations so worthwhile. Without our supporters, whom would we write and draw for?
How to be glomped: If your main contribution to the H/D fandom is through reading, commenting, lurking, reviewing, betaing, icon goodies, fanvid-makeage, modding, reccing, squeeing, or just in general being the reason writers and artists keep posting, you are eligible to
leave a prompt.
Click below to read more about the H/D Glompfest at