Christmas 2016 Fic: Reset (H/D, rated R) - Part 13

Dec 25, 2016 21:05

Title: Reset - Part 13
Author: sesheta_66
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R overall
Word Count: ~20K overall
Summary: Forgetting the past isn't always possible or practical. Dwelling on it isn't constructive. Moving beyond it, into what lies ahead, can be just the thing to help us heal. And friends? Well, they make it all - past, present and future - worth living.
Author's Notes: Written for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge, prompt #23: family reunion for Teddy's first Christmas and slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco and Harry, prompt #23: falling snow
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

Previous: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

Reset - Part 13

When their lips met, Harry took a startled breath and then the room faded away and there was only Draco. Draco's hands clutching his shirt, holding him desperately against his chest. Draco's mouth, pressed firmly at first but softening on contact. Harry ran his fingers through Draco's hair like he'd wanted to all week, then brought his palms to rest on either side of Draco's face, tilting his head ever so slightly to deepen the kiss. Draco moaned gently and Harry pressed his tongue past his parted lips. Draco's tongue wrapped around his own and he was lost.

Draco's hands released their grip and spread over his torso, heat flowing through Harry's shirt to his skin as his chest rose and fell with his breaths. When long fingers swept over his shoulders to wrap firmly around the back of Harry's neck, drawing them even closer together, it was Harry's turn to whimper.

A noise in the background tried to get through, but Harry was too far gone in the taste and feel of Draco that he ignored it. Until a loud cough broke through the trance.

"Oi, Harry! Come up for air, yeah?"

It took a moment for Harry to remember they were in a room full of people and recognise Ron's voice pressing through his consciousness. He drew back slowly and watched Draco's eyes flutter open, the dazed look reflecting his own. He grinned. "Maybe we should save this for later?" he whispered.

Draco nodded, eyes still glossy and out of focus. "Mm-hmm."

Cat calls echoed through the room - Harry thought he recognised Seamus and George's voices - before Ron's once more broke through the din. "What the hell, Luna!"

Harry heard a pop and looked up to see the mistletoe gone. He moved his eyes to focus on Luna. She shrugged. "They obviously needed a nudge."

One of the girls giggled while Ron spluttered. Luna continued. "Draco doesn't think he's worth Harry's time because of the whole Death Eater thing, even though we all know it wasn't really his choice. Even Muggles understand that actions under duress aren't binding."

Harry blinked, looked at Draco, then returned his focus to Luna.

"And Harry figures Draco deserves better than him since he was raised by Muggles and can barely fit in with wizards, never mind rich, pureblood ones."

Harry felt Draco's scrutiny but continued to stare at Luna.

"They've both been watching each other for a long time, and I thought they could use some help." She looked at Ron and smiled. "It seems I was right."

And that, apparently, was that. Ron gaped at Luna but offered no rebuttal. Hermione smiled at Harry and Draco. Ginny winked, looking somewhat flushed, which was disconcerting to say the least. Seamus and Dean nodded at each other, exchanging meaningful looks as though they'd come to this conclusion on their own long ago. And everyone else went back to their own business. If money exchanged hands, Harry chose to ignore it.

Harry chanced a glance at Draco. "Well that was interesting."

Draco frowned. "Seamus really is a menace."

Harry laughed. "Yeah, but he means well."

Draco spoke to the floor. "Still, I never would have …"

Harry placed his index finger on Draco's chin and lifted it until he was looking directly at Harry. "Do you regret it?" he asked. "Do you wish you hadn't kissed me?"

"No!" he said so quickly Harry grinned. "I just … well, I think I might have preferred something less public if I'd not been quite so … relaxed."

"Private, like in your room?" Harry loved the flush that spread over Draco's face at his words.

Draco nodded. "Without the house-elf interruption, though."

"Agreed." Harry ran his tongue along his bottom lip and was pleased to see Draco's gaze drop to watch. "Maybe next time."

The rest of the night flew by relatively uneventfully, with a mixture of laughter, chatter and overall Christmas cheer. Harry managed to pull Luna aside for a brief conversation but otherwise he and Draco sat together and studiously avoided any of the punch. It was nearly two in the morning when they bid goodnight to George and Verity and headed back to the school, Luna catching falling snowflakes on her tongue and Seamus and Dean singing all the way, completely ignoring Hermione's pleas to not disturb the residents of Hogsmeade.


When they got back to the castle, Harry walked with Draco back to the Slytherin dorms. "I have some errands to run tomorrow," Harry said somewhat reluctantly.

Draco smiled. "It's okay. I'll be busy most of the day myself."

"Oh, really?"

"Yup. Top secret mini-Harry stuff."

Harry groaned. "You know I hate that you talked me into that, right?"

"You're not fooling anyone, Potter. You've always been an attention whore."

Harry attempted to argue but Draco shut him up by pressing him firmly against the stone wall and snogging him senseless. By the time he was done, Harry had a vague recollection that he was going to put up a fuss about something or other, but couldn't recall precisely what.

Draco chuckled. "Good night, Harry."

"Good night, Draco."


The next morning, Harry woke up early to send off a handful of owls before heading directly to Hogsmeade for some last-minute shopping. He then dropped by Andromeda's to have lunch with her and Teddy before making his way back to the castle by mid-afternoon.

Satisfied that he was now a few owls away from being ready for Christmas, he ventured into the Great Hall humming a festive tune.

"They're brilliant!" Ron said. "They just need that last swish and flick from Harry and they'll be perfect."

"You really think so?" Draco asked, apprehension clear in his voice.

"You've outdone yourself, mate. Not even Harry can argue with that."

Harry was torn between pleasure at Ron calling Draco mate (and generally not being pissed about what had happened rather publicly at the party the previous night) and apprehension about what was going on with Draco's pet project. His dilemma was solved for him when Seamus noticed his presence.

"Oi, Harry, come see this. It's bloody brilliant."

He warily crossed the room to the table. Draco looked up hopefully, holding the latest version of the mini-Harry in his hand. Harry watched, fascinated, as the figure - still clad in Gryffindor Quidditch gear - hovered in a sitting position and pushed his glasses up his nose before leaning forward, grasping the broom handle, bobbing up and down and around in a circle, spinning and stopping above Draco's hand. The figure turned its head from one side to the other then ran a hand through its hair, at which point the hair exploded into his signature hedgehog look.

Harry couldn't help it; he burst out laughing. If he had to have a figure of himself out there, this was the one he'd want. It was the least showy, most realistic version of him he could have hoped for. In response to Draco's expectant expression, he said, "I agree. It's brilliant."

Harry nearly laughed again as Draco virtually collapsed in relief. "You don't hate it?"

Harry shook his head. "Oh, I still hate the idea of it, and I will never understand why anyone would want a mini-me, but I think you've done a great job."

"Hermione deserves some of the credit too. She figured you'd be happier with something less pretentious, even with the hair business."

Harry watched the figure do its circuit again. "You did a good job with the hair; I suppose you don't need me anymore."

"Nice try, Scarhead. You're not getting out of it that easily. This is the same one you charmed before, with adjustments."

"Ah, I wondered."

Seamus plunked a box of figures onto the table. "Have at it," he said to Harry. "Only about a hundred to spell."

Harry sighed but pulled out his wand. "If I must."

"You must," Ron said. "Hermione's been on my case, reminding me that they all have to be shipped out today to the orphanage. They have their big fundraising drive tomorrow and these are the main items up for auction."

"They're auctioning them now?" Harry hadn't heard that.

"Yeah, Hermione figures they'll start the bidding at the same price the others in the stores are going for, and let people bid up from there."

"It's a silent auction," Draco said as he continued to cast the revised spells on each figure before passing it to Harry for his final touch. "The advance publicity has already garnered more than double the interest as the numbers of figures we've produced. They believe they'd sell out in record time if they just did first-come, first-serve, so they allowed everyone to put in one bid before they received the prototype."

His eyes widened. "Shit. I nearly forgot. Seamus, could you take this one to Hermione so she can send it off? They want to display it in the storefront where they're conducting the auction, so that people can see what they'll be bidding on."

"Sure." Seamus took the figure and ran to the door.

"And remind her," Draco called after him, "to put the protective spell on it. They don't want somebody lifting it before the auction even starts."

"Overkill much?" Harry laughed. "No one's going to want to steal it."

"Can't be too careful," Draco said, picking up his wand and continuing to spell the remaining mini-Harrys.

"Constant Vigilance!" Ron called. Everyone in the room turned to look and his face reddened.

Harry laughed wistfully, wishing - not for the first time - that he could hear Mad-Eye say that one more time. He turned back to the task at hand and made the little figure's hair explode.

Draco looked from the figure up to Harry's mop of hair and sighed. "It truly is authentic, isn't it?"


The next morning Harry received three owls and was able to send off his replies before lunch. It was the last day before everyone left for the hols and he was glad he'd have a couple of days to himself to make final arrangements. He was musing about that while he headed for lunch.

"What's up with you?" Draco asked.

Harry jumped and stopped walking. How was it that he always seemed to sneak up on Harry. "Hmm?"

"I can tell. Something's up."

Harry shot him a crooked smile, leaned in and rubbed his chin over Draco's neck, eliciting a shiver. He chuckled then whispered, "It's a secret."

Draco pulled back, crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"You really are a spoiled brat, aren't you?" Harry laughed. "I bet as a kid you went around opening all your presents and rewrapping them before Christmas Day."

Draco scowled but said nothing.

"I think you'll like my surprise, or surprises as the case may be."

"Don't count on it."

Harry shrugged and started walking again. "Fair enough. One thing I will tell you is that I need you to keep the twenty-third free."

Draco pondered that before responding. "As long as that works for Mother."

"It does," Harry said. "I already checked."

He tugged Harry's sleeve. "You've been conversing with my mother?"

"Yep," Harry said, quite unapologetically, before leaning in and kissing Draco on the cheek. "And that's all I'm going to tell you."

"I hate you."

"Sure you do."


The next morning after breakfast, Harry saw off Ron, Hermione and Draco as they all left for the break from McGonagall's office. They were the last of the departing students, most having taken the Hogwarts' Express days earlier, and the Headmistress had left them to it.

"Are you sure you won't change your mind and come to the Burrow? Mum's asked at least a dozen times."

"I'm sure, Ron. I'll see you on Christmas Day."

Hermione looked apprehensive until he said, "I have things to do, Hermione. I promise I'll be fine."

"Okay then," she said reluctantly. "I'll owl you when I hear from the orphanage about the auction."

He smiled. "Happy Christmas. And thanks for everything, even if I didn't want to do it."

"Happy Christmas, Harry." She took a handful of Floo powder and tossed it into the fire. "Just think of the children who will benefit," she said before calling out the name of her home and stepping into the flames.

"See you Christmas morning, ten sharp or my mother will kill you," Ron said before stepping into the flames.

Harry chuckled. "Ten sharp. See you then."

And then it was down to the two of them. "So I'll see you on the twenty-third?"

Harry nodded. "Your mother has invited me to brunch."

"Has she now?"

Harry grinned and nodded again. "She has indeed. And you will keep your entire day free."

"How do I know I can trust you?" His words held no sting.

"You don't." Harry stepped closer and put his arms around Draco's waist. "But I think you should."

Draco rested his arms on Harry's shoulders. "You know it goes against my Slytherin instincts to blindly trust someone."

"I know." Harry brushed his lips lightly over Draco's. "But I swear it'll be worth it."

Draco kissed him with a bit more pressure, but only barely. "It had better be."

Harry eyes twinkled. "Oh, it will be." Then he drew their bodies together and kissed Draco until they were both breathless. "I promise."

Draco did his best to look unfazed but failed. "I'll hold you to that." He tossed some Floo powder into the fire and called, "Malfoy Manor." Then he stepped into the flames and he was gone.


Harry paced nervously in his room until it was time to go. He wasn't sure why he was nervous. Surely they'd like their gifts, right? He'd been confident mere days ago and now he wondered if he should have done this less secretively.

Well, there was nothing for it now. He went up to the Headmistress' Office and Flooed to Malfoy Manor.

He was greeted by Draco himself, much to the chagrin of their house-elf. Draco gave him a hug and a brief peck on the cheek before leading him into the solarium where the most elaborate brunch he'd ever seen was laid out on the sideboard. Surely there was enough food for twenty people but, as he'd expected, the table was set for three. Once more he was reminded about how different their worlds were, but quickly pushed that thought aside.

Narcissa stood up and gave Harry an air kiss on each cheek in greeting. "Happy Christmas, Harry."

"Happy Christmas to you too." Harry put his bag of gifts by the doorway and sat in the same seat he did the last time, looking out over the snow-covered gardens and picturing a small Draco laughing and playing while his parents watched. He tried not to grin like an idiot.

They made polite conversation over the meal and when the house-elf had cleared everything away and they sat sipping tea, he said, "I have a little something for each of you."

"Oh, you didn't have to," Narcissa said, "but thank you." She called the house-elf, whispered something to her and she came back with two packages for Harry. "And we have gifts for you as well."

He retrieved his bag and pulled out one gift for each of them. He'd put thought into them, but neither was the gift he was nervous about. They all three opened their gifts together.

Narcissa seemed very pleased with the book on Wizarding Wiltshire that spoke of the history of the area, going from as far back as ancient times through to the present day. It had photographs and family trees for many of the major families, including the Malfoys and - Harry was intrigued to see - a branch of the Blacks from about six generations back. "Thank you very much, Harry. This is lovely."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

Draco's gift was a state-of-the-art potions kit complete with cauldron and a brewing guide for some more advanced concoctions. He raised a brow and Harry said, "Don't worry. I had the guy in the store tell me which one would be best for someone of your calibre."

Draco nodded. "Well, I suppose that's acceptable, then."

Narcissa gasped. "Draco, how rude!"

Harry laughed and made a face at Draco. "It's okay, I know he's joking." And Harry could tell he was by the twinkle in his eyes and the twitch in his lips as he tried not to smile. When she didn't look convinced, he added, "Besides, I'm really horrible at potions; he'd be right to be concerned." He turned back to Draco. "I bought it from the same shopkeeper Snape used to go to."

Then Draco did smile. "Thanks, Harry; it's perfect."

Narcissa still didn't look pleased and Harry suspected Draco would be hearing more about the subject later. Not that he wanted Draco in trouble with his mother, but it was rather nice to have her on Harry's side. That might go a long way to smoothing over the next gift if it all went pear shaped.

Narcissa gave him a book on the Potter family, complete with a family crest on the front. "Each of the ancient wizarding families has a family tome that gets updated and passed down to the first born male through the generations, with additional copies being made for the other children. I know you didn't know your family, and Draco didn't think you had one from your father, so I thought perhaps you might like this." She smiled. "It is not, of course, one of the ancient tomes but the genealogy shop I commissioned has a long and stellar reputation."

Overwhelmed that Narcissa would do something like this for him, Harry tried to steady his voice when he responded. "I don't know what to say." He pulled the book close to his chest. "Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome."

It took him a while to put the book down. Only after Draco reminded him that he had another gift did he relinquish it. He ran his finger over the embossed crest on the cover as he laid it aside. He'd been wondering how he'd pass the time at school before heading to the Burrow on Christmas morning, but he knew now that he'd be spending a lot of time channeling Hermione with his nose buried in a book the next day.

Draco grinned, rather amused at how much Harry obviously appreciated his mother's gift. Harry could feel Draco's eyes on him as he opened his next gift. The first thing Harry noticed was a small, black-haired figure inside the box. Surely he hadn't, the little shit. But he had. Harry lifted the figure out and it was a mini-Harry, only this one was dressed in Auror robes. It took a few paces over Harry's hand before drawing its wand and waving it, sparks shooting out the end. Harry chuckled and put it on the table where it continued its loop. Inside the box was an Auror training kit including information on preparing for exams, useful detection and healing spells, a guidebook on concealment and an assortment of odds and ends.

"It's brilliant!" He resisted the urge to reach across and pull Draco into his arms. He wasn't sure how Narcissa would react. "Thanks so much."

Draco smiled, knowing he'd picked an excellent gift. "Well, we all know you'll be going into the Aurors soon enough - might as well get ready now."

"I love it."

Gifts done, they settled in to enjoy their tea, Harry still nervous about what was yet to come.

A short while later, Narcissa broke the silence. "You said in your message that you were hoping I was free for the afternoon?"

This was it. Harry put down his cup and rubbed his now-damp hands on his trousers. "Yes, well …"

Draco frowned, obviously noticing his nervousness. "Everything okay, Harry?"

He reached deep inside for his Gryffindor courage which currently threatened to escape him. "I hope so." He drew out a piece of parchment from his pocket. "This is for both of you." He handed the letter to Narcissa and Draco moved around behind her to read it over her shoulder.

Narcissa began to blink as she read it and Draco looked from the paper to Harry back to the paper.

When Harry concluded that they both must have read the entirety of the message at least twice, he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, and please know that you can say no. Obviously." He took a deep breath and ploughed on. "This is Teddy's first Christmas and I thought it might be nice to bring his family together."

Harry watched Draco watching his mother, neither saying a word.

"Right. Anyway, he has his grandmother, but I thought … well, you're also his family." He knew that Andromeda had been shunned when she'd married a Muggle-born, but Ted Tonks was gone and Lucius was in Azkaban and their parents and their crazy sister were all gone too. He'd hoped that Narcissa might want to reconnect now and Andromeda had been receptive to the idea. It had been Luna's nudging of him and Draco that had given him the idea to set up the opportunity for the sisters. Both of them were so lonely and it was Christmas and he couldn't help but feel that this was right. "It's not my place, but I asked Andromeda, and she would very much like to see her sister again. And get to know her nephew. And she would like her grandson to know his family. But she'll understand if you say no to a family reunion right now."

"I -" Narcissa began. She continued to blink back tears.

Harry stood. "I know it's a lot to take in. Let me go on ahead to her place and the two of you can talk about it. Tea is at four but she says you can come anytime." He turned to Draco. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

He nodded, squeezed his mother's shoulder, then led Harry out of the room.

Harry held up a hand. "Don't say anything, please. I just … well, I wanted to do this for both of them - and for you too, but mainly for them. Anyway, there's something else I have planned for us later, so if you don't come to Andromeda's, do you mind if I Floo-call you and we can meet somewhere?"

He frowned. "Are you still not going to tell me what's going on?"

Harry knew he was pushing it now, but he wasn't going to relent. "Nope. I'll call at seven if you don't come by."

"Alright, but -"

"We can talk then." He turned back to see Narcissa clutching the parchment, not even pretending to hold back tears now. He opted to give her some privacy and simply called out, "Thank you again for everything, Narcissa. I hope to see you soon."

He turned back to Draco. "I don't want to disturb her."

"I think she appreciates that."

Harry forced a smile, hoping he hadn't made the Black sisters' Christmas even worse. "I'll see you later, no matter what."

And, before Draco had a chance to say another word, Harry Flooed to Andromeda's.

Part 14

christmas 2016, fic: reset, slythindor100, dracoharry100, h/d

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