Christmas 2016 Fic: Reset (H/D, rated R) - Part 10

Dec 19, 2016 22:35

Title: Reset - Part 10
Author: sesheta_66
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R overall
Word Count: ~20K overall
Summary: Forgetting the past isn't always possible or practical. Dwelling on it isn't constructive. Moving beyond it, into what lies ahead, can be just the thing to help us heal. And friends? Well, they make it all - past, present and future - worth living.
Author's Notes: Written for dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge, prompts #7: Christmas shopping nightmare, #9: what to buy for the wizard who has everything, and #28: bringing joy to orphans, and slythindor100's 25 Days of Draco and Harry, prompts #17: Christmas lights and #18: horse-drawn carriage.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.

Previous: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Reset - Part 10

Harry decided to take advantage of the last few hours of the day and head into Hogsmeade for some Christmas shopping. His first stop was the bookstore and after a mere twenty minutes, he exited with gifts for Hermione, Luna, Molly and Andromeda. Next, he went to the Quidditch shop and in short order had gifts for Ron and Ginny. It was a bit strange buying her a gift now that they'd split up, but new gloves didn't exactly scream boyfriend so he thought he was okay.

Feeling rather accomplished, he decided to pop in on George at Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes. The bell dinged as he opened the door and immediately his senses were assaulted by Christmas lights and ornaments and carols and scents of the season. He had to blink and brace himself as he stepped inside.

A blur of magenta robes and clashing ginger hair approached. "Harry! Good to see you!" George slapped Harry on the shoulder in greeting then peered behind him. "Where's the rest of the trio?"

With mock-indignation he said, "I do venture out on my own occasionally, you know."

George looked unconvinced. "Sure you do."

"I reckon they're back at school. I just came from Wiltshire and thought I'd get in some shopping before heading back."

George rubbed his hand over his chin and screwed his face up in concentration like he was trying to work out a particularly difficult puzzle. "Okay, I give up. What's in Wiltshire?"

"Malfoy Manor."

George stared but said nothing. It was odd seeing him at a loss for words. Harry grinned. "I went for a fly around their makeshift Quidditch pitch and stayed for lunch."

"Malfoy Manor? As in, Lucius Malfoy's house?"


George shook away his stupor then said, "Alright then. How was that?"

"Brilliant, actually. Draco and I spent a good couple of hours on the pitch. It's been ages since I did that. It felt good."

George shivered. "Bit cold for that, isn't it?"

"No!" Harry said with enthusiasm. "That's what's so brilliant about it."

He launched into an animated explanation of the grounds and spells until George's eyes glazed over with envy. "Cool."

"Yep. Then I had lunch with Draco and his mom."

George gaped at him. "Right. Lunch with Narcissa Malfoy. Go on, pull the other one."

Harry laughed. "Completely serious, mate. She's surprisingly pleasant when ol' Lucius isn't out and about. You ask me, having him in Azkaban is the best thing to happen to her."

"If you say so, but I bet she doesn't see it that way." He shook his head some more. "Better you than I is all I can say."

Harry chuckled. "Fair enough."

"So, I'm glad you dropped by. We're having an end-of-the-year Christmas party here and as our benefactor, you are cordially invited to join the festivities."

"That sounds great."

He let out a long-suffering sigh. "And I suppose - if you must - you can bring along my brother and that girlfriend of his."

Harry snorted. "Will do."

"And, just for the hell of it, go on and invite some of the other miscreants you hang around with. The more, the merrier. I reckon this year more than most."

After leaving the shop, Harry felt rather festive. He passed by a stall where two carriages, each with a pair of Thestrals, stood beside a large poster board advertising heated carriage rides for five galleons, all proceeds to the War Orphans Christmas Fund.

He immediately thought about Draco, then changed his mind. A carriage ride sounded a bit too romantic and he didn't know how Draco would react to something like that. Hell, he didn't even know if he was still speaking to Harry after what had happened. Fucking house-elves popping in uninvited.

As he took a closer look at the carriages, he realised that they weren't nearly good enough for Draco anyway. It wouldn't surprise him if the Manor had a sleigh made out of gold, for fuck's sake. What was he thinking?

His festive mood now faltering, Harry wondered what the hell he could possibly buy for a wizard that had everything. He groaned, realising that shopping for Draco was going to be a nightmare.


Harry stood dumbfounded, at a complete loss for words, as he took in the scene in the Great Hall half an hour later.

Seamus was belting out highly inappropriate lyrics to some well-known carols - he would give Celestina Warbeck a run for her money - while teachers carried on, either oblivious or uncaring, and some of the younger students sniggered. The Hall exploded with colour, lights and the thrum of laughter and general Christmas spirit.

But what had Harry pinned in place was the sight of Draco, sitting at a table with Seamus and Ron, of all people, helping some little ones with their crafts.

Positive he was either dreaming or in some alternate universe, he turned around and left, taking his purchases to Gryffindor Tower, to return when the world righted itself.

Ten minutes later, packages securely tucked away in his dormitory, he returned to the Great Hall to find that he was clearly still dreaming.

"Harry! Come over here and help us out with this," Ron called. Harry walked into the room and approached their table, now free of the younger students, with trepidation. "We can't seem to get this just right."

Draco held up an ornament they were presumably working on and Harry looked at a miniature - "Is that supposed to be me?" he asked. Indeed, Draco held in his hand a miniature figure of Harry - distinctive with the black hair, lightning bolt scar and Gryffindor robes, perched atop a working model of a Firebolt.

Draco smiled widely. "Got it in one! But we can't get the hair right - it's far too tidy. It lacks that whole 'I don't give a shite' look you always sport."

"Ha ha, very funny." It was true, though. The mini-Harry had hair as well-tamed as Draco's and Harry's had never, not on his best day, ever looked that good. He waved his wand and the hair exploded into something resembling a hedgehog.

"That's perfect!" Draco cried, positively delighted.

"Fuck off."

Ron laughed along with Draco - and wasn't that too surreal for words? "So where were you? Malfoy here got back over an hour ago and he said you left before him."

"Decided to go into Hogsmeade and pick up some gifts."

Ron's eyes widened. "No tents or camping equipment, I hope," Ron deadpanned. "I never want to go camping again."

Harry snorted. "No camping gear, I promise."

"Thank fuck for that."

Draco looked ready to ask but then changed his mind, turning back to admire the mini-Harry in his hand. Harry was quite sure he didn't want to know what prompted them to make it.

"I also dropped in on George and he's invited us - well, me actually, and said I could invite you, if I must - to their Christmas party at Wheezes."


"How's that?"

"I'm his brother."

Harry laughed. "Exactly. Anyway, we'll all go, yeah?" He turned to Draco. "You too."

Draco looked horrified at the prospect and darted a look Ron's way.

"You're right to be scared," Seamus said. "Never quite know what might explode on you or turn you into a chicken or something equally mortifying when George is around."

"Don't listen to him," Harry said, though Seamus wasn't wrong. "Besides, all the spells are temporary and we've all lived through them."

Once more, Draco's gaze moved to Ron. "I don't know," he said, clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on," Ron said. "If you can survive Seamus' drinks, you can handle a Weasley party." At Draco's look of shock, he nudged him in the shoulder. "You should come."

Now Harry knew he was in an alternate universe.

Part 11

christmas 2016, fic: reset, slythindor100, dracoharry100, h/d

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