Windows 10 - yes or no?

Jul 29, 2016 10:21

Requesting input from my flist:

Windows 10 is free until today. I have yet to install it. Were I still on Windows 7, I'd probably not bother, but since my computer came with Windows 8 and I've since upgraded to 8.1, I'm undecided.

I do not like certain things about Windows 8/8.1 but what I don't like about Windows 10 is the automatic updates. I don't like control being taken away from me, whether it's to update at all or the timing of said updates. I don't like that I can't select some things to update and not select others. I don't like that it means an update at sometime in the future could install stuff I don't want without my consent or even knowledge. It's all too Big Brother for me.

So ... like it or hate it? Any problems? All input is appreciated.



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