Not An Option (H/D, 14A)

May 08, 2007 18:22

Now that the big reveal has been done, here's my second entry to hpslashnotsmut. This fic was written for acromantular:

Title: Not An Option
Author: sesheta_66
Giftee: acromantular
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: 14A
Word Count: 5341
Author's Notes: Original request can be found here. I hope I've managed to capture most of what you wanted. Many thanks to my awesome and speedy ( Read more... )

fic, hpslashnotsmut, h/d

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Comments 28

jad May 8 2007, 22:31:26 UTC
Your cut doesn't seem to be working :x


sesheta_66 May 8 2007, 22:39:24 UTC
Yeah ... LJ is pissing me off right now. GGGGRRRRR!!!

I had to do everything in HTML, 'cause every time I switched to rich text it f----d everything up! ARGH!

*takes deep breath*

I already deleted it once and tried again. I believe the cut now works. You must have slipped in while I was still in "edit" mode (I didn't want to delete it yet again). Yikes!

So ... thanks for the head's up ... especially if I hadn't caught it. Eep! Sorry for taking up your whole friends page (if only for a few minutes). *facepalm*

*shakes fist at LJ*


zentariana May 8 2007, 23:45:06 UTC
It works and the story is lovely!


sesheta_66 May 8 2007, 23:52:46 UTC
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


melmoe1 May 8 2007, 23:14:52 UTC
Awwww! That was so sweet. Nothing like a win/win situation. Although I think Harry ended up on top.*groans* Sorry couldn't resist.


sesheta_66 May 8 2007, 23:20:06 UTC
Although I think Harry ended up on top.*groans*

Hehehe. Thanks - glad you liked. See ... 14A or less is really my specialty.


ruinithil May 8 2007, 23:42:54 UTC
*jumps about squeeing madly* This was amazing! I love how Blaise thought it would be torture for Draco to be Harry's friend, when it's what Drac wanted the whole time >.< Perfect!


sesheta_66 May 8 2007, 23:52:17 UTC
*jumps about with you*

Thanks ♥ Glad you enjoyed it.


tweeney May 9 2007, 00:28:18 UTC
Aww! I really loved resourceful!Harry and how he wanted to be corrupted by Draco... Grrr...

Heheh, about damn time indeed :D


sesheta_66 May 9 2007, 02:11:20 UTC
Somehow I don't think Draco minded being the one to corrupt Harry!


kylastargazer May 9 2007, 03:21:45 UTC
It seems to me that they both won from that bet. I really enjoy this story.


sesheta_66 May 9 2007, 04:25:46 UTC
Yes they did. Glad you enjoyed it.


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