Holiday Ficlets: #6 - A Sleigh Ride Together (Sleigh Ride - Part 2/3)

Dec 21, 2009 22:24

Title: A Sleigh Ride Together (Sleigh Ride - Part 2/3)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 650
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Summary: Teddy worries about his impromptu invitation.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Challenges: Written for the following Christmas/holiday prompts:
AWDT Christmas Quickies: #6 - Christmas tree
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: Christmas tree, tinsel
slythindor100 Special Holiday Challenge: #6 - snowman
harrylovesdraco: #12 - author's choice (I chose "hot chocolate"), and
lire_casander's December prompt of "lights"

Click here for Part I.

A Sleigh Ride Together

Harry watched Teddy sipping his hot chocolate, eyes twinkling as they reflected the lights from the Christmas tree. He remained distracted, however. Harry suspected the distraction wasn't the snowman he'd built.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

Teddy put down his mug and got up. He pulled a few pieces of tinsel off the tree and placed them elsewhere. "Nothin'," he said.

"Teddy …" Harry said. "I can tell when something's bothering you."

He turned to face Harry, a worried expression playing over his face. "Are you sure it's okay that Draco comes with us tonight?"

Harry's heart melted. This little boy loved Draco, and Harry knew it. He also knew that Draco had earned that love. After the war, he and Narcissa had made a point of visiting Andromeda and Teddy often. They'd moved beyond the past and given him the unconditional love a young child needs - especially one who'd lost his parents.

"Of course it's okay," Harry said.

Harry hadn't seen Draco much over the years, but when he had, they'd been cordial. A few months after the war, they'd had their one meaningful conversation. It took less than ten minutes. Mumbled apologies and thanks were exchanged, and Harry returned Draco's wand. They hadn't exchanged more than a handful of words since.

"Really?" Teddy asked hopefully.

Harry smiled and scooped the boy up into his arms. "Really," he assured him.

"You don't hate Draco?" he asked.

"No." Harry frowned. "Why would you think that?"

Teddy appeared lost in thought for a few minutes before responding. "Draco thinks you do."

Harry was surprised to hear that. The truth of the matter was that Harry didn't hate Draco. In fact, as tension-filled as their years at Hogwarts had been, Harry doubted he had ever really hated Draco. And lately … well, the last couple of times he'd seen Draco, Harry had been drawn to him.

The first time, Harry had come to visit Teddy and Andromeda, not realising Draco and Narcissa had chosen the same day to stop by. Draco and Teddy were outside and Harry slipped out to say hello, knowing he couldn't leave without seeing Teddy.

The sight of Draco, on his hands and knees - relaxed and completely at ease - helping Teddy build a fort, had caught him off guard. He'd excused himself and left after a few minutes, not wanting to intrude on their visit. More than that, he'd been confused by his inexplicable attraction to Draco. He'd needed some time to work through his reaction. He'd made his excuses and fled.

The next time had been only a week ago. Draco had been looking after Teddy while Andromeda and Narcissa had gone shopping. Again, Harry had shown up unannounced to discover Draco there. Before either of them noticed Harry, he'd had a few minutes to observe them. Draco had been explaining the benefits of fairy lights versus Muggle Christmas lights. Harry had been pleasantly surprised when Draco acknowledged that Muggles had created their own brand of magic with electricity - even though nothing could be better than the real thing.

Harry wouldn't have believed it, had he not heard it with his own ears.

"Who would have ever guessed you'd sing the praises of Muggles," Harry had said. He'd meant to tease Draco at the time, but now, as he recalled the day, he cringed.

Once again, not wanting to intrude on their time together, Harry had left. He'd spent much of that evening - and the days since - thinking about Draco and how much he'd matured. And, much to his surprise, he'd started wondering how their lives might have been different had Draco not had Lucius as his main influence.

"I don't hate Draco," Harry said emphatically.

"Promise?" Teddy asked.

Harry held Teddy close. "You love him, don't you?" he asked.

"Course I do," Teddy said. "He's great."

Harry put Teddy down and smiled. "He's not so bad."


holiday ficlets 2009, sleigh ride, awdt, slythindor100, dracoharry100, harrylovesdraco

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