ANGST Drabbles (H/D, PG-13)

Jan 05, 2007 22:28


Pairing:   Harry/Draco.  That's slash people!  If you don't like, please don't read.
Rating:   PG-13
Warnings:   Angst, angst and more angst.  Unresolved as of this posting, but next week there will be a conclusion.  No beta.
Summary:   Harry tells Ron he's gay.  Ron reacts.  Angst ensues.  Five drabbles (200 words or fewer each) in the same arc, completed as part of this week's hd_boardgame challenge.

Disclaimer:   Harry, Draco and the rest of the gang, themes, places, etc. belong to JK Rowling.  I just borrow them for fun.  Sadly, I make no money from this.

Comments:   Yes, please.

ANGST drabbles - first with “doubts” theme … the rest with “nightmare” theme, but all in the same arc (tbc and resolved during next week’s game)

1. Telling Ron

“But why, Harry? I don’t understand.” Ron said, with a look that resembled disgust, with eyes that wouldn’t quite meet his own.

“I said I like boys,” Harry told his best friend what he had long denied himself.

“No you don’t,” Ron insisted, a little louder than he may have intended.

“Excuse me?” Harry replied incredulously.

“You like my sister. I know you do.”

“Well, I thought I did.”

“I can’t deal with this,” Ron said as he picked up his coat and walked out the door, leaving a shocked Harry behind.

Draco’s arms wrapped around Harry, and he leaned back into his comforting embrace. “I’m sorry, but I doubt it will be any easier when you tell him it’s me.”

2. Ron’s Nightmare

“This is a bloody nightmare,” Ron grumbled to himself, as he made his way to Gryffindor Tower.

How could Harry do this? He had to know that this changed everything. Why the hell didn’t he just keep the truth to himself? Would that have been so difficult?

He wouldn’t have believed this if anyone else had told him. But as Ron replayed the scene in his mind, he watched Harry, with his bloody puppy dog eyes, looking like Ron had just kicked him, broken him, when not even You-Know-Who could do that.

“What did he expect?” Ron said to the Fat Lady.

“He expected you to be his friend,” said Hermione, pushing past Ron into the common room.

3. A New Kind of Nightmare for Harry

Moving aimlessly, Harry thought to himself that it was a good thing Hogwarts was magical, otherwise, every window in the place would have been shattered by now. He was that angry. This may not be the kind of nightmare he was used to having, but somehow this living kind seemed worse.

Not knowing exactly what he was planning to do, Harry wrapped his scarf around his neck, buttoned up his cloak and headed out into the night. Maybe the crisp air would help cool him off.

As he looked up, he thought about the planets, even though he couldn’t see them in the light of day. Trying to remember his Astronomy and Divination lessons, he silently wondered if the planets were aligned so that stupid red-headed gits would act like complete prats.

He also wondered where Draco was. Harry had told him that he wanted to be alone. He didn’t object, but Harry could tell that he was more than a little hurt. It wasn’t Draco’s fault, he had explained. He just needed to be alone for a while.

He went back inside to find the blonde, realizing that alone was exactly what he didn’t need to be right now.

4. Conversation Overheard

"I don't get it, Hermione," Ron whined.

"What exactly don't you get, Ronald? Harry is gay. Really, you'd think you had never heard of it before!" She was growing rather irritated by a young man she thought she knew very well. Intolerant was not a trait she would have previously attributed to Ron.

"Harry's gay?" Seamus piped in. Hermione rolled her eyes as Ron whimpered. What a nightmare - she hadn't meant for anyone to hear. She gave a timid nod in Seamus's direction, and he shrugged in response.

"That's it?!?" Ron said incredulously. "A shrug! What about righteous indignation? Or at the very least shock!"

"Why?" Seamus responded matter-of-factly. "Harry is still Harry. So he likes blokes. What's the big deal?" And with that, he exited the common room.

Hermione just glared at the open-mouthed Ron. Really, what more was there to say? She left the common room, passing Harry in the corridor on her way to the library. They would have to work this out on their own. She hoped that she and Seamus had gotten through to Ron. The Boy Who Lived in a Cupboard didn't need to spend the rest of his life in the closet!

5. Confrontation

"Ron," Harry growled at his mate. Were they still mates? Harry had hoped they would be. He hadn't counted on this hurting so much. Sure, he and Ron had disagreed, but it always seemed to be about misunderstanding or miscommunication. It had never been something so fundamental. Sure, it had taken Harry a while to come to grips with, but this is part of what defines him. And Ron is DISGUSTED. It’s a living nightmare. There's no other word for it.

Faced with that knowledge, Harry found himself less bothered by the loss of his friend. He was hurt, sure. But more than that, he was angry. He hadn't expected Ron to welcome the news with open arms, but he had thought their friendship meant enough to him that he might at least try.

"Harry, listen ..." Ron began weakly.

"No, you listen!" Harry's anger came boiling to the surface. "I will not apologize for this. I will not try to explain it. I would never have thought you, of all people, would be like this! I can't believe I ever called you my friend!" With that, Harry turned round and went to find Draco.

Resolution to follow next week …

Conclusion ...

drabble, angst, hd_boardgame, h/d

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