Justice Served (H/D, PG-13)

Mar 24, 2007 09:36

Title:   Justice Served
Rating:   PG-13
Word Count:   2387
Pairing/Characters:   Harry, Draco
Challenge:   AWDT challenge  "Now, it’s my turn."
Warnings:   No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Summary:   Draco Malfoy is on trial, accused of being a Death Eater.
Disclaimer:   The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Potter, what are you doing here? Want to see for yourself when they send me off to Azkaban for life? Not satisfied to watch from the sidelines?"

"Oh, no, Malfoy. I don't do well in the background. You should know that by now." He paused for effect, then leaned in to whisper in Draco's ear. "I'm here to testify."

Oh, God.
He was sure to receive the Kiss now. The bloody Saviour of the Wizarding World was going to testify against him. It wouldn't matter if what he said was true or not - nobody would care. He was Harry fucking Potter, and the wizarding world revolved around him! As he looked up at Harry, Draco saw a twinkle in the other man's eye. Then his nemesis smiled and winked at him before walking away and taking his seat in the galley. I'm dead, he thought as he slumped down in his seat.
The trial progressed much the way Draco had expected and feared. His only contact with the Order had been Snape, and not only was he an accused Voldemort supporter, and admitted former Death Eater, but as of two weeks ago, he was also dead. Other than his mother, Draco had nobody to testify on his behalf. His friends from school were all dead, on the run, or in the same position as him.

He listened as, one by one, people on both sides testified against him. Those on the side of the light were only too happy to help put away the son of Lucius Malfoy, and those on the dark side were testifying either to get better deals for themselves, or as payback for Draco's betrayal. He watched them all with his cool Malfoy facade firmly in place.

"Harry Potter."

As Draco watched Harry walk towards the front, his mask of indifference dropped completely, and panic set in. This is it. The difference between life in prison and the Dementor's Kiss. It was all he could do to remain sitting and not break down in tears before the man who held his future, such that it was, in his hands.

As Harry was sworn in, he didn't look at Draco. He just sat there with a smug look of superiority on his face, looking out at the crowd of onlookers. As Draco watched, transfixed, he had the sick sensation that this was most definitely not the boy he used to spar with in school. He was not the unsure boy wizard who had been thrown into the unknown, and expected to save everyone from themselves. This was a man who carried himself with confidence, exuding strength that Draco would never have thought possible.

Draco closed his eyes, praying to any deity that would listen, that this could be over with quickly. He didn't really want to hear about his life as seen through the eyes of the one man in the world that probably hated him most of all, the same man who Draco knew held more power than anyone else alive. He opened his eyes to look at him, realizing with a shiver that Harry knew it too.

"State your name for the record, please." Draco closed his eyes again, unable to watch.

"Harry James Potter."

"And you are here to testify in the trial of one Draco Lucius Malfoy?"



"I am here to testify that, contrary to everything that has been put forward as apparent 'evidence' in this case, Draco Malfoy was in fact working as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix."

Draco's eyes flew open to look up at Harry. The crowd erupted into gasps and muffled discussion. Draco couldn't make out anything they said, over the buzzing in his head. He was completely dumbfounded. He had no idea how Harry had known this, but right now he didn't care. He knew the evidence they had against him was overwhelming, and he had no idea what evidence Harry would be able to produce, but for the first time since his capture, Draco felt a sense of hope.

When the crowd was quiet again, Harry continued, still not looking at Draco. "If not for the actions of Mr. Malfoy, I - we - would not have been able to bring down Voldemort and his followers. The man on trial here is a war hero, not a Death Eater."

One of the wizards on the Wizengamot snorted derisively at Harry's pronouncement. "And you have proof of this, I presume?" he asked with a tone that clearly said he didn't believe there was any such proof.


Draco narrowed his eyes, looking at Harry, sure that there could be no proof. He had always covered his tracks well, to be sure he couldn't be discovered by Voldemort or anyone working with him. Draco only ever had one contact, and Snape was dead. So, when Harry produced a Pensieve, he was stunned.

"As the Wizengamot is aware, there is no known way to effectively alter memories without detection. I bring with me today the memories of Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and myself. You will see that there were extreme measures implemented to ensure Mr. Malfoy's safety while spying for the Order. During the war, we couldn't risk anyone finding out what Mr. Malfoy was doing. We didn't always know friend from foe, and we also knew that Voldemort and many of his Death Eaters were accomplished Legilimens. Even those not wishing to bring him harm could have given away Mr. Malfoy's position. This is the reason why no one in the Order, with the exception of myself and Severus Snape --"

The crowd burst into thunderous disapproval. Harry waited for them to quiet down again before continuing. "Yes, Severus Snape was also working for the Order, as he had been since the first war. As I was saying, I am the only living member of the Order to have known the role these two men played in the war."

Harry's testimony took the rest of that day and the better part of the next one. He presented memories proving Snape's role as a spy, solidified by an Unbreakable Vow he had taken with Dumbledore. He showed memories of meetings between Snape and Draco, discussing strategy. There was also a set of memories that showed Draco handing over an object to Snape, who handed it over to Harry.

"The object you see being handed to me was, in fact, the final horcrux that Voldemort had created. It was the last piece of his soul that we needed to destroy before we could kill him. It was something we would never have been able to obtain, were it not for Mr. Malfoy." Harry finally looked over at Draco. "Without him, the war would not be over."

He turned to look at the members of the Wizengamot, then moved his gaze over everyone present as he continued. "Do you all understand what I'm saying? We would still be at war. People would still be dying. Surely you can't have forgotten the war this quickly? I know I haven't." He looked at Draco again. "I owe my life -- we all owe our lives to this man that you accuse of being a Death Eater. He is innocent of the charges, and should be released immediately."

Draco's eyes welled up with unshed tears as Harry turned away from him again. He was excused, and the court recessed for the day, to consider the evidence presented.

Court did not reconvene for another two days. Two excruciating days for Draco, as the hope he had felt following Harry's testimony had started to fade, leaving once again the feeling of fear in his stomach. He tried not to dwell on it, but perhaps even the testimony of the great Harry Potter wasn't enough when weighed against the other evidence.

When at last he entered the courtroom to hear the verdict, Draco looked around for Harry, desperately wanting to thank him. Just like the last time, however, Harry didn't look his way and he was unable to express his gratitude.

"Stand up Mr. Malfoy," came the familiar voice of the Chief Wizengamot, once the crowd had settled. Draco did so on shaky legs. This was it. "You have been accused of many crimes. Much evidence has been brought forward supporting your role as a Death Eater. There was also evidence brought forward in your defence. We have authenticated all evidence, and are prepared to make our ruling." He paused to look around at the crowd, then returned his gaze to Draco. "You broke wizarding law on numerous occasions, but we believe it was for the purpose of securing your position as a spy for the Order, so all charges in that matter are dismissed." Draco didn't miss the emphasis on 'that matter,' and he sensed he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"However, that does not absolve you of responsibility for your actions prior to that. You let Death Eaters into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, putting many lives at risk. This cannot be overlooked. Having said that, we recognize that you were under extreme duress, and that you were underage at the time, and therefore sentence you to six months in Azkaban for your crime."

That was it. It was over. He could do this. Six months wasn't that long, now that the Dementors weren't guarding the jail any more, and then he'd have his life back.

"Excuse me," said a familiar voice.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"While I don't deny Mr. Malfoy's role in the Hogwarts' incident, is prison really the most appropriate method of punishment? He will be in great danger in Azkaban. Now that evidence has been brought forward showing his true involvement in the war effort, the Death Eaters currently imprisoned there will surely make every effort to kill him. That is hardly an appropriate end for a war hero. I respectfully request that you suspend his sentence, based on time served while on trial, as well as time served in the company of Lord Voldemort, while working for the Order."

A voice in the back of Draco's mind told him to thank Granger when all this was over. He was sure she had done some research, and had coached Harry.

They took a one hour recess to consider Harry's request. During that hour, Draco thought about what Harry had said, surprised that he hadn't even considered the risk to himself if he went to prison. Until now, he had been held at the Ministry. Azkaban was a whole other matter.

"Mr. Malfoy, once again will you please stand?" Draco did so, this time on steadier legs. "We have considered Mr. Potter's further request on your behalf, and we agree that his assessment is likely correct. As we do not intend to punish you by death, we have another alternative to present. You will have to serve your six months under house arrest, in the home of someone unrelated to you, and with no criminal record. Do you have anyone that you could suggest that might take you in under these circumstances?"

"No, sir."

"Very well. The Ministry has agreed to keep you under house arrest at one of their safe houses --"

"Excuse me," came Harry's voice once again.

"Mr. Potter," the Chief Wizengamot replied, this time rolling his eyes and suppressing a smile. "I'm sure I already know what you are about to say, but do proceed."

"If Mr. Malfoy would consider it, he could stay at my residence. As the court is aware, my home was previously used as the Headquarters for the Order, and has extensive security wards placed on it, which I'm sure will satisfy any requirements set by you."

This time, the Chief didn't bother to hide his smile. "Very well, Mr. Potter." He turned to look at Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, you have heard Mr. Potter's offer. Do you wish to accept it, or go to a Ministry safe house?"

Draco didn't hesitate. "I will accept Mr. Potter's gracious offer."

Thirty minutes later, he and Harry left the court and Apparated to Grimmauld Place in silence. Draco collapsed on the sofa and turned to Harry. "Potter --"

"Harry. I think you should call me Harry now, yeah?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," he said. "Harry, I don't know how I can even begin to thank you. Because of you, I have my life back."

"No, Draco. It's because of you that you have your life back. You did the right thing, and I meant what I said. You are a hero. I should be thanking you."

"But Harry, even with all of that, you didn't have to testify --"

"Of course I had to testify. I was the only one that could, and it was the right thing to do. How could I let you go to prison?"

Draco nodded, knowing that Harry was right. "Very well, but thank you just the same."

"You're welcome." Harry smiled at him. "And thank you for everything you did during the war." Draco smiled back at Harry and acknowledged his thanks with a nod.

They ate lunch in companionable silence. After they had finished, Draco asked the question that had been on the tip of his tongue since they left the court. "Why did you do it, Harry?"

"I already told you, it was the right thing --"

"No, no. Not that, not testifying. I mean this." He waved his arms around the room. "Why did you open up your home to me? It's not like we've ever been friends. You had already done so much for me. You could have just let them take me to a Ministry safe house."

"Well, let's see. I remember years ago, on a train, heading to my first day at Hogwarts. A young boy, same age as me, approached me and offered his hand to me in friendship. At the time, I didn't like some of the things that the boy had been saying, or how he had insulted my first-ever friend. I turned down the offer, perhaps a little too hastily. Years later, I find myself in the position to revisit that choice I made."

Harry smiled and held out his hand, echoing the gesture that Draco had made years ago. "Now, it's my turn."

awdt, h/d

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