Winter Blues (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 22, 2009 01:22

Title: Winter Blues
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500
Warning: Angst
Challenge: dracoharry100’s challenge #101 - Winter Blues and awdt's Valentine prompts of #5 - a dozen long-stemmed roses, #7 - Dark secret love, #9 - Strangers in the night, #12 - "You're not the only one who feels this way," and #13 - Love me tender.
Summary: Harry is feeling low and wonders if he'll ever shake the winter blues.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Winter Blues

Harry sat in the front room at Grimmauld Place, wondering how he got here.

Three months ago, he'd been with Ginny and they'd been happy, hadn't they? That night, he'd looked at her and thought that this couldn't be all there was.

As he'd tried to picture their life together, their future, he'd seen nothing but a stone wall. Nothing to see ahead. He'd tried to explain that to her -- in a nicer way, of course -- but she hadn't taken the news well.

"You're not the only one that feels this way," she'd said. And then she left.


Not long after that, he'd met someone. No, that was wrong. He'd discovered something about himself, something that explained a lot. Harry liked men. Not in a passing kind of inquisitive way, but in a gets-my-juices-flowing way.

He'd discovered this by chance, but pursued it with stealth. He'd found himself attracted to a young blonde, and he'd followed him to a club. They had a good time, but that was all it was. Then he'd met others. Strangers in the night, that's all they'd been.

Once again, Harry had found himself wondering if this was all his life would be.


Draco entered his London flat and was greeted by a dozen long-stemmed roses. The same ones he'd bought for Astoria a week before. They were starting to wilt, but he hadn't the heart to toss them yet. But soon he would. Just like he'd tossed aside his future for … what had it all been for?

Truth be told, he hadn't thought it would matter. After all, theirs was an arranged marriage, like most purebloods had. One of convenience, and for one purpose: to have an heir to carry on the Malfoy name. Who would have thought she'd expect more?


It had started weeks before, his dark secret love. Who was he kidding? It wasn't love; it was lust, pure and simple. And so it would have stayed. But Draco had been careless, and Astoria had found out.

As he reflected on things, Draco wondered if he hadn't been caught intentionally. He'd been with a tall, dark and handsome man, with a body that wouldn't quit.

Draco had to admit it was a relief of sorts, not having his upcoming nuptials weighing down on him. But then he found himself wondering what was next. Where did he go from here?


"Potter?" His name cut through a terrible rendition of Love Me Tender from the stage. There stood the last person Harry expected to see in a Muggle karaoke bar.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same. You look like your favourite crup died."

Harry shrugged. "Winter blues, I suppose."

Malfoy sat down as if they were old friends, and this were a common occurrence. "Hmm. Me too."

So began their relationship. Full of lies and denial. Something that never changed.

Now Harry sat in his front room wondering if he'd ever get over his winter blues.

awdt, angst, dracoharry100, h/d

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