Drabbles 'n Things (H/D, G-R)

Mar 16, 2007 22:33

Title:   Various Drabbles for  
hd_boardgame   (from the weeks of March 4th & 11th)
Word Count:   200 words or fewer, each drabble
Rating:   G - R
Summary:   Drabbles (<200 words) sorted by type - fluff, crack, angst, smut, limericks
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Warnings:    No beta.  Also, these drabbles are part of a time-limited game, and I would guess that they are not the best pieces of fanfiction I've ever written (however fun they were to write).  Read at your own risk.  :o)

Smut (bondage theme) - Rated 'R'

1. word - trembling

Harry lay trembling on his bed. He was naked, save for the blindfold Draco had placed over his eyes. How the hell did he manage to convince me to do this? Harry wondered. Here he was, naked and tied to his bed. They both knew that someone could come in at any moment. Sure, the curtains were drawn, but still ...

"Draco," Harry began, his words shaky.

"Shhh," Draco whispered into his ear, caressing Harry's cheek softly. "Do you trust me?"

Harry knew that he could say 'no' and it would all stop, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. "Yes," he whispered back, arching his body up to meet his lover's.

2. continuation of above; word -comfort

Draco pulled away from Harry's body, and received a groan in response. "Not so fast, Harry. I want this to last."

The blonde proceeded to kiss, lick, and nibble a path over Harry's body that had him squirming with desire. When Draco stepped back off the bed to remove his own clothes, Harry felt a surge of panic. "Draco? Draco?"

"Shhh, it's okay," he assured Harry. "I'm just getting undressed. I won't leave you."

His words of comfort felt like a soft caress. Harry didn't understand why this felt so good, being this vulnerable, but he liked it. He liked it a lot.

3. continuation of above; word - panting

Draco pressed his now naked body up against Harry's, pressing his erect cock into his thigh meaningfully. Harry groaned. Draco didn't rush things, though. He meant it when he said he wanted to take his time. He wanted to savour the look of his lover spread out, wanton and wanting. He delighted in the sound of Harry panting, before he even had a chance to touch is now leaking cock. He wanted to taste every part of Harry that he could. This was going to be a long and delicious night.

Crack (Deserted Island theme); word - suppose

So sit right back and you'll here a tale, a tale of a fateful trip ...

"I don't get it, Harry. How can people get stuck on an island like that? Why do you suppose they don't just Apparate off?"

"They're Muggles, Draco."

"Oh, right."

... a three hour tour ... a three hour tour.

"Even the professor?"

"Even the professor, Draco."

"You know, I think they would have done better with MacGyver there."

" ... "

Crack (cooking theme):

1. Word - thrust

Harry came home to find the kitchen in a shambles, and Draco covered in white powder. "What's going on here?" Harry asked.

Draco thrust a mixing bowl into Harry's arms, looking exhausted but relieved. "Oh, thank Merlin you're home. Now you can finish this up!"

Harry was about to ask 'what?' but Draco was already gone. He heard the shower turn on, and tried to figure out what he was expected to do. He looked at the telly on the counter to find a frozen frame of the Two Fat Ladies, a Muggle cooking show. Ahhh ...

2. Word - dreadful

Harry knew that Draco did it on purpose. He hated anything Muggle, and the idea of cooking, or doing anything really, without magic irked him. So here it was that they were eating the most dreadful meal Harry could remember. Draco had deliberately made it awful, just to spite Harry. Of course, Harry knew this, but wasn't letting on.

"It's delicious, babe. You should cook more often," Harry encouraged. He had surreptitiously cast a spell on his own food to make it more tolerable, but had banished Draco's wand to the other room, lest he be tempted to use magic.

This could turn out to be a fun evening after all.

Fluff (books theme):

1. word - information

Harry stood at the entranceway, watching Draco. Never one to tire of learning, he was a sponge when it came to information. He was forever surrounded by books.

Strange as it may seem, Harry could have spent the entire day watching his boyfriend. His face showed so many emotions that Harry fell in love with him more with every passing moment.

2. word - discover

Draco enthusiastically dragged Harry to the estate sale. Harry had protested, but it was no use. Draco was relentless.

When they got there, Harry watched his boyfriend's face light up at the sheer mountain of books laid out before them. "Harry, do you know how much you can discover about a person by the books he reads?"

Harry made a mental note to expand his collection beyond his Quidditch volumes. It wouldn't do after he died to have someone analyse him based on that.

3. word - hard

It was hard to buy a gift for Draco. They had been seeing each other for a while now, but not long enough for Harry to be comfortable buying him something too personal for his birthday.

He had decided on a book, since Draco loved them. But not just any book - a rare one. He had seen the ad for an auction in the Daily Prophet. But now, as he wrapped the journal of the late great-great-great grandfather of Draco's, Harry thought that a personal gift might be just right after all.

Fluff (kittens theme); word - meow

Draco wondered how exactly he had managed to get roped into doing this. He and Harry were currently out shopping with Ron and Hermione's twin girls. Harry had thought it would be a wonderful anniversary gift for the other two thirds of the golden trio, if he and Draco gave them a weekend away, free of children. They had arranged for the Weasleys to stay at a Villa in France, and they had taken on the task of minding their brats - ahem, lovely children - for the weekend.

For the hundredth time that day, one of the little ones was wailing about something. As Draco looked, he saw Harry's face, and just how incapable of saying no to the little child he was. Hearing a soft 'meow', he smiled. He knew just how much Ron had always hated Crookshanks, so this would be perfect.

"Oh, I think you should both have one," Draco told the girls. "After all, it's only fair," he said, as he paid for the two precious little kittens for the girls.

"You know what, Draco? You can be so sweet sometimes," Harry said.

"That's why you love me so much," Draco replied, a twinkle in his eye.

Limerick (no theme/word):

1. Saving Harry

Today was the day, he was sure,
He had no choice but to find a cure.
For Harry fell ill,
After Voldemort he killed,
And the potion to save him had to be pure.

2. Together

In London there lives a young pair,
One dark and one ever-so-fair.
They laugh together,
No matter the weather.
The love they have found is so rare.

hd_boardgame, h/d

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