The Best Man (H/D, PG-13)

Mar 10, 2007 21:06

Title:   The Best Man
Word Count:   682 (sorry, it kinda got away from me)
Rating:   PG-13
Challenge:   Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #12 - "Draco reached out and tugged Harry's _________"
Summary:   Draco tries to get Harry to a wedding on time.
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Draco reached out and tugged Harry's arm. "We're going to be late, Harry. Come on. It wouldn't do for the best man to be late to his two best friends' wedding, now would it?"

"Alright, alright," Harry replied, but Draco could sense something was amiss.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just something that I wanted to do before today, but I hadn't quite got around to it."

Draco sighed. "Is it something that could be done later?"

"Well, yes, of course."

"Then let's get moving. Your number one priority is the wedding. Let's go!"

"Since when do you care so much about Ron and Hermione?"

"You want the truth, Harry?"

"No, I want you to lie to me. Of course I want the truth."

"The truth is that I care about them only because they are important to you. As for today, I care about getting you there on time for several reasons. First and foremost, I am a Malfoy, and it would not do for a Malfoy to mess with tradition. Second, I know that this means a lot to you, and you would be upset with yourself if you did anything to affect their day in a negative way. And finally, the weasel will surely find a way to blame me for your being late, and since I cannot argue with the groom on his wedding day - I refer you back to reason number one - I shall do my best to ensure you are there on time. Good enough?"

"Good enough."

Without any further delay, Draco was able to get Harry to the wedding. He was expected there two hours before the ceremony was to begin, and considering the petrified look on Ron's face, they had arrived just on time. Draco left Harry to calm down his best mate, and went in search of an alcoholic beverage to calm his own nerves. Being in the midst of so many Weasleys made him positively twitchy.

As things went, Draco needn't have been worried. By now, everyone had accepted him as Harry's partner, and they were cordial, if not pleasant. Thankfully, he managed to get a seat with Pansy, as she was there with Neville. It was a relief to see a truly friendly face in the crowd.

During the reception, Draco caught Harry talking to Hermione, and casting him curious looks. Harry was definitely not a master of subtlety. Curiosity peaked, Draco approached his boyfriend. "So what was all that about?" he asked.

Harry, not good at lying to anyone but teachers at Hogwarts, looked down at his feet. "Nothing, really. Want to dance?"

If nothing had alerted him that something was up, this certainly did. Harry never voluntarily got onto a dance floor. Not ever. Taking advantage of the current situation, Draco decided to take him up on his offer for a dance. As they danced, Draco noticed Harry's back was rigid, and he was tense. "What's wrong, Harry?" he asked, with genuine concern.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong," Harry replied. He looked deep into Draco's eyes, and Draco relaxed. Whatever it was, Harry would tell him later, he was sure of it.

The song changed, and Harry's grip on him tightened a little bit. "Do you remember this song? he asked Draco.

Draco smiled. He did indeed. "Yes, Harry. It was the first song we ever danced to together. In fact, I think I fell in love with you while dancing to this song," he said without even thinking.

"I think I fell in love with you that night too, Draco." Harry kissed him on the neck, then pulled back, reaching into his pocket. "Draco Malfoy, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He opened a small box to reveal an ornate ring, a green snake weaving through silver. "Will you marry me?"

Unaware that the music had stopped, and everyone in the room was watching them, Draco looked up at the love in Harry's eyes. "Yes, Harry, I will marry you. I would be honoured to be your husband."

jae's drabble challenge, h/d

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