After The Battle (H/D, PG)

Sep 16, 2008 02:24

Title: After The Battle
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 500
Challenges: For harrysexmagick's birthday and dracoharry100's Super-Fantastic Sporadic Monthly Prompt Challenge (creature!fic).
Summary: Draco brings home a little something he found on the battlefield at Hogwarts. Narcissa is not impressed.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

After The Battle

"What is that?" Narcissa shrieked as Draco entered the Manor, a filthy, squirming mass of fur in his arms.

"This, Mother, is a feline, a cat, a kitten."

"Yes, dear, I can see that. But what are you doing with it, and why did you bring it here?"

"After you and Father left, I took a look over the battlefield, retrieved a few wands which might help get us through until we can get new ones made, and I saw him there, all alone, looking … well … bewildered."

"And you didn't leave him there because …?"

Draco knew his mother detested cats, and he knew he had acted rashly, but … "I just … it looked so …" Draco struggled for the words, because even if it was his mother that he was talking to, he wasn't going to be using the word cute any time in the foreseeable future.

"He looked lost, and his owner was probably killed in the battle."

"Who would bring a cat into battle with them?"

Draco had no idea who would have done such a thing or why, and he was not in the mood to debate the subject with his mother. All he knew was that the furry little guy had mewled at him, and one look at that scruffy dark fur and those deep green eyes, and Draco was hooked."


After several days of determined avoidance of his mother, Draco sat down to breakfast as his father looked up from The Prophet. He narrowed his eyes at Draco by way of greeting. His mother, clearly still irritated by the cat situation, merely nodded. Well, it was to be expected.

"I understand," Lucius said, "that you have graced our home with the presence of a common cat?" His voice was calm, but he was not fooling anyone.

"It's hardly common," Draco pointed out. "In fact, its coat is a mere shade lighter than black, and its eyes are the most brilliant green. You should see him."

"I have seen it, thank you," Lucius replied. Before Draco had a chance to ask, he continued. "The house-elves showed me last night. It seems mangy, with its fur going every which way."

Draco huffed, but said nothing.

"Draco, darling, are you planning to keep your new … pet?"

"Most definitely, Mother." Despite her dislike for all things feline, Narcissa loved her son and enjoyed spoiling him. Still, Draco would have expected his father would put up more of an argument to remove the cat, even if just for show.

"Very well," she replied through tightened lips. "Just be sure to keep it away from me."

"Yes, Mother." Draco frowned. He really was quite an adorable kitten.

Lucius took a sip of his tea, placed the cup back onto its saucer, and lifted the newspaper, opening it to the front page. Grinning, he read the leading headline:

"Harry Potter Missing!
Last Seen at Hogwarts After Final Battle."

bday, bday gift 08, gift, dracoharry100, h/d

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