Title: Draco's Driving Lessons
sesheta_66 Rating: PG
Word Count: 230
lire_casander's birthday request of "Draco learns how to drive."
Summary: Draco wants to learn how to drive. Unfortunately for Harry, Draco has decided that he wants Harry to teach him.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK
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*commiserates with Harry*
*has son about to turn 16 and get his driver's permit*
*has a son about to turn 17 with no desire* *\o/*
*has another son who's 14 and can't wait*
It's very nervewracking having your teenage children driving. I've already told them that if they get in an accident and aren't wearing their seat belts, I will kill them myself.
My 14-year-old has driven with his dad a couple of times, and wants a Mustang. *coughs and tries not to panic* Right. So, if he gets a part-time job, it'll take him how many years to attain that goal? Right. No need to worry just yet. I had a Mustang. I know how much power they have. *tries not to fret*
Good luck with that! *lol*
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