Happy Birthday Harry (H/D, PG-13)

Jul 21, 2008 23:15

Title: Happy Birthday Harry
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Challenges: harrylovesdraco's challenge of "Harry's birthday".
Word count: ~300
Summary: Draco's musings in poetic form. I'm apparently in a poetry mood this week ... um, sorry?

Happy Birthday Harry

Make me an offer that I can't refuse.
Make it a good one, in which I won't lose.
Tantalise me with promises galore.
Then tease me and taunt me and offer me more.

Any less than that and I won't take the bait.
You'll be waiting forever for merely a first date.
For I'm not just anyone, of this you well know.
The airs that I put on are not just for show.

You say it's your birthday? Is that all you've got?
Do you think with that statement you now have a shot?
Oh, right ... there was that thing that you did.
Saved the world and my life while practically a kid.

I suppose that will do, but only for the first.
To keep wooing me, you must be well-versed.
You must dazzle and win me with more than your might.
And you must fix that hair; it's truly a fright!


You surprised me tonight, with all that you know.
You even arrived with tickets to a show.
While it wasn't of Shakespeare quality, I'll admit.
It wasn't half-bad, and was full of great wit.

Now our date is over, and I'm surprised to find,
That I want to stay with you, not leave you behind.
I still can't believe it - the two of us together?
But not even I can deny myself pleasure.

I'm sure we will look back at this with some humour.
For we know that tonight will begin all the rumours.
As strange as it sounds, I'm now thinking ahead.
With you in my life, I'll have little to dread.


I am happy to say that several years on,
We are still together, and still going strong.
I'm glad you're persistent, for you I adore.
Happy Birthday, my Harry ... and many, many more!


harrylovesdraco, h/d

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