No More Wasted Time (H/D, PG-13)

Jul 20, 2008 01:07

Title: No More Wasted Time
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~700
Challenges: dm_p's birthday prompt of "Draco accidentally tells Harry how he feels about him and gets horribly embarrassed," and awdt's prompt of "Time will say nothing but I told you so."
Summary: Draco lets something slip when he doesn't think Harry can hear him.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

No More Wasted Time

Harry stared blankly at his partner, not quite sure what to say. Surely he hadn't heard correctly. "Wh-- what?" he stammered. Draco looked horrified as colour rose up his neck and across his cheeks.

"Nothing?" he ventured. Oh my God, he really did say it!


Two hours earlier …

"Potter, Malfoy, get in here!" Kingsley called. The two Aurors, frustrated by a lack of progress in their current case, sprang from their desks in response.

"What have we got?" Draco asked.

"Please tell me we've finally caught a break in the case," Harry added.

"We're not sure, but there's a disturbance in the same neighbourhood, so this could be it," Kingsley replied. "Seems a bit too coincidental."

They got the details from Kingsley and headed to a warehouse on the outskirts of Muggle London. They did a cursory examination of the building and the surrounding area. Everything looked clear except the building itself, inside which magic was reverberating. Wards surrounded it, and spells -- though they could not detect which ones -- were being cast inside. They separated to cover more ground before going inside.

The disturbance that had been reported by local Muggles, was noise coming from the building which was supposed to be abandoned. There was a strong Anti-Detection Spell in place currently, so the occupants must have realised their mistake, but not before the DMLE had caught wind of it. The location was too close to some grizzly murders to ignore, and since it was their case, Harry and Draco had been dispatched.

A loud bang sounded, and a wave of Dark Magic flowed from inside. Harry looked around for Draco, but when he couldn't see him he went ahead and shot a spell at the door to blast it open. The door blasted back, and Harry was thrown clear, landing several feet away in a heap on the ground, wind knocked out of him.

He managed to cast a quick Protection Spell over himself just before he lost consciousness.


"Harry! C'mon, Potter, wake up!" Draco's voice sounded through the haze of Harry's mind. "You can't die on me, dammit!" Harry felt a wave of magic flow over him. "That should help."

Harry tried to respond, but couldn't move, couldn't speak. All he could do was lie there helplessly.

"I can't believe this. Shit. Pansy told me to tell you, but noooo, I had to be stubborn. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I can hear her now." His voice changed in pitch, and Harry thought he did a good imitation of his friend. "Time will say nothing but I told you so, Draco."

Harry's eyes fluttered open and he saw Draco pacing back and forth, no longer talking to Harry, clearly mumbling to himself.

"Now I may never get the chance. I can't believe that after all these years, just when I finally realised how much you mean to me, how much I need you in my life, you go and do this. Why do you always have to play the hero? Why didn't you wait for me before trying to go in? Oh, wait. Stupid me. Because you're Harry bloody Potter, that's why. Now the suspects are in custody, and the medics are on the way, and they told me not to Apparate you or even touch you until they get here. Fuck! You'd better be okay. I can't believe that I might never even get the chance to kiss you if you're not. Stupid bloody Gryffindor!"

Harry coughed and tried to move. Draco spun around, wide-eyed.

"Wh-- what?" Harry managed, staring at his partner.

"Nothing?" Draco replied, blushing furiously.

"C'mere," Harry said, motioning Draco forward. When Draco got within reach, Harry grasped the front of his robes and pulled him down. "Not ready to die just yet," Harry said with a grin before pulling Draco down on top of him and kissing him fiercely. He let go when Draco didn't respond. Had he misunderstood?

"Why'd you do that?" Draco asked, his face a mask of confusion.

Harry thought about his response for a minute before deciding that he'd pretty much put it 'out there' already. "Been wanting to do that for ages," he replied hopefully.

Draco smiled and pulled Harry into his arms. "Well, let's not waste any more time then." And Draco kissed him.


bday, awdt, bday gift 08, gift, h/d

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