Babies and Bears (H/D, G)

Mar 03, 2007 20:23

Title:   Babies and Bears
Word Count:    524
Rating:   General
Warning:   Extreme fluff
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.
Author's Note:   This is for 
celandineb for her birthday.   The request was for H/D, and the prompt was "teddy bear".  It also fits in with prompt 008 - "birth" for my 100quills table.

"Cmon, Draco ... pleeeease?" whined Harry. He had to buy a gift for Ron and Hermione's new baby boy, and he was dreading the experience.

"Why must I go with you? The gift is for your friends. Surely you know more about them that I do."

"But you're the one who loves to shop. You know I hate it. I'd rather have root canal done."


"Never mind." Explaining root canal to his pure-blood wizard boyfriend wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"Look, I love to shop for me, Harry. Well, and sometimes for you or my mother. But not for other people, and certainly not for babies!"

"But I'll have so much more fun if you're with me," Harry pleaded, snuggling up to his boyfriend. "And when we're done, we can buy something for you too."

"Well, I suppose I could make the sacrifice, when you put it that way."

So that was how it came to be that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were looking at a wall full of stuffed animals in the local muggle shopping centre. "You never said anything about Muggle London. I was expecting a trip to Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade," complained Draco.

"Well, you know that Hermione is muggle-born, so I thought it would be nice to get the baby a teddy bear. Kids love teddy bears."

"I'm sure Father would never have allowed something so ... so ... fluffy in the Manor. Are you sure kids like these things?"

"Well, yeah. Er ... I think they do. I don't really know, since I don't remember ever having one. But, yeah, I'm sure it's something that people often give as gifts when babies are born."

Draco didn't look convinced, but pointed to a dragon halfway up the shelf. "How about that?" he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Don't you think that might scare a baby?" Harry asked.

"Perhaps you're right. How about this one?" he said, as he handed Harry a huge, traditional-looking brown bear. "It's incredibly soft, and doesn't have any of those little button eyes that the baby might choke on."

Harry was impressed with how much thought Draco was putting into this, but thought it best to keep his mouth shut, and just smile at him. "I think it's perfect! See? You really were a lot of help!"

"Excellent," said Draco. "Now let's shop for me!" Harry groaned a reply, but a promise was a promise.

After they returned home, Harry leaned over to give Draco a kiss. "What was that for?" the blonde asked.

"That was for humouring me today, and for being such a big help. AND for not complaining about it ... much." He smiled at his boyfriend, and called out, "accio gift." He caught the flying object, and handed it to Draco. "Here's a little something to show my appreciation."

Draco opened the package, and Harry saw tears well up in his usually well-composed boyfriend's eyes. "Oh, Harry, it's wonderful!"

Harry beamed as he watched Draco hug the dragon they saw in the store earlier. "I thought you might like it. Besides, fluffy things are always welcome here."

bday gift 07, bday, fluff, gift, h/d

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