Skating (H/D, PG)

Feb 17, 2007 01:44

Title:  Skating
Author:   sesheta_66  
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating:  PG
Warning(s):  None, except silliness
Word count:  195
Prompt:  hd_fluff prompt 12 - Mistletoe (also used as fluff drabble in hd_boardgame, using ice skating theme & the words pirouette, pranced, fogged, flu, tenderly, mistletoe)
Disclsimer:  Characters, etc. not mine. I make no money - I'm just borrowing them for fun.

Draco waited for Harry, as a young girl did a pirouette on the ice before him. A young muggle woman pranced across the ice into her love’s arms.

He was starting to get chilled when he noticed Harry approaching with fogged glasses. Honestly! You’d never know he was a wizard with the lack of magic he did at times like this.

“Here, let me help you,” Draco offered, as he cast the spell to clear Harry’s glasses.

“Thanks,” Harry said as he leaned in for a kiss. “You’re freezing!” he told his boyfriend.

“No thanks to you, late as usual. At this rate, I may catch the flu.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, the flu is a virus - you don’t get it from being cold.“ Harry said as he tenderly caressed Draco’s cheek.

“Yes, yes, I know … let’s get on with it then,” he said, trying to sound put out, but only coming across as mildly amused.

Harry grabbed him by the hand and they skated across the ice to the other side, where Harry stopped abruptly. “Now what, Potter?” Draco asked, perplexed.

“Mistletoe,” he replied with a kiss.

hd_boardgame, h/d

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