My Masterlist of Fics

Jan 01, 2020 00:01

Behind the cut are most fics I wrote since joining LJ in 2007. Most are Harry/Draco slash, with some gen, individual character interviews/stories, and other pairings, as noted.

I've listed series, fic exchanges, and gifts, but excluded most regular community challenges and drabbles (though you can see them by clicking the appropriate tags). I've also flagged angst fics, for those of you on my flist that like to avoid the angst.

ETA: Last properly updated April 2010. Additions to that are at the top in blue.


Until I update properly, here's a link to all my H/D stories.

Albus Severus/Scorpius:

Until I update properly, here's a link to all my AS/S stories.


Update coming!


Harry/Draco, Stand-Alone:

The Affairs of Men, written for hd_worldcup [R, 17,000 words]

Summary: Having just survived the war, Draco prepares, with some trepidation, for life to get back to normal, or as normal as it can be after war. What he is not prepared for is upheaval, the complete transformation of the world in which he lives. How he chooses to react and move on will determine his fate in this post-war wizarding world.

Anything But That, written for slashfest, 2007 [14+, 4420 words]

Summary: Ron reluctantly enlists the help of Draco to help Harry get through a rough time he's having. The request was for: "Post-war. Harry has become lost after the war, maybe has an injury that prevented him from joining the Aurors, and now has sort of lost his hold on life. I'm not particular on how it happens but I would like for Draco to show Harry how to live again, how to love again; to have Draco be the one saving this time around instead of Harry."

As You Were, written for hd_500, 2008 [PG-13, 1300 words]

Summary: Harry tries to persuade Draco to attend the office Hallowe'en party, but Draco resists. For the prompts: costume, chocolate, scream; "Boo!"

An Auror in Dog's Clothing, written for hd_inspired's Animagus fest [PG-13, 11,000 words]

Summary: At a dead-end in an illegal potions case, when the Aurors finally have a lead, the only way they can act on it is by using a rather unconventional undercover technique. When Auror Potter discovers someone else undercover, he has a choice to make. Trust the person and team up or go it alone.

Everybody's Hero, written for hd_holidays, winter 2009 [PG-13, 20,500 words]

Summary: With his new job as Deputy Head Auror, Harry is assigned an old task - watch Draco Malfoy. When threats against Malfoy escalate, Harry finds himself torn between doing what is expected and doing what's right.

Games People Play, written for hd_holidays, spring 2007 [Adult, 4500 words]

banner by winter_june

Summary: Harry and Draco are no longer together. And they are both fine with that. Really. No, really, they are. Enter the women. Request: angsty crack with a happy ending.

Good Intentions, written for hds_beltane, 2009 [PG, 3,500 words]

Summary: Narcissa's Slytherin skills are working well when she ropes not only Harry, but Draco into helping out with the first Beltane festival after the war.

The Grand Illusion [Adult, 626 words, angst]

Summary: Harry lets the wrong person into his heart.

A Hero's Life [14+, 1760 words, angst]

Summary: Is there such a thing as 'happily ever after' for our wizard hero?

In Search of Power written for hp10k_showcase [PG-13, 10,300 words]

Summary: "There is no good and evil, there is only power ... and those too weak to seek it." ~ Lord Voldemort.
When a witch appears at St Mungo's, stripped of her magic in a bizarre incident, the Aurors team up with the Unspeakables to uncover what happened and determine if the wizarding world is at risk.

An Incomplete Picture [PG-13, 1177 words, angst]

Summary: Draco knows what he saw - but was it the whole picture?

Life Without You, written for the_eros_affair. [NC-17, 3725 words]

banner by winter_june

Summary: Cheque written from Harry to Draco: I promise to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

A Little Nudge in the Right Direction, written for hpslashnotsmut, 2007 [PG-13, 7814 words]

Summary: The war has ended, Voldemort is now dead, and people are getting on with their lives. The story begins as almost everyone has moved out of Grimmauld Place.

A Long Look Back [PG-13, 1745 words, songfic]

Summary: Draco and Harry each take an objective look back on the last six years of their lives, and what influence/impact they have made on each other. Based on the song "The Reason" by Hoobastank, and as requested by alaana_fair.

Lost Time, written for slashfest, 2008 [PG-13, 6,000 words]

Summary: Just months after his father's release from Azkaban, Draco overhears Lucius plotting with some old acquaintances. No longer the child he was in school, Draco is not able to stand by and let things happen, and steps in to do the right thing.

A Matter of Life or Death, written for hd_inspired's Back to School fest [NC-17, 11,000 words]

Summary: EWE. Auror partners Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are known for bending and breaking the rules with such frequency, it comes as a surprise to everyone when they actually do follow protocol. After Malfoy ends up in hospital, Harry wonders if their luck has finally run out.

More Than a Partner, written for hd_holidays, winter 2007 [Mature, 15,170 words]

Summary: Harry Potter appears to have a wonderful life: wife, children and the job of his dreams. When things begin to crumble, he finds solace and comfort in a partnership he never saw coming.

Not An Option, written for hpslashnotsmut, 2007 [14A, 5341 words]

Summary: The story begins as Draco is forced to accept the terms of a bet he made with Blaise, and lost. To hold up his end of the bet, and not suffer an even worse fate, he is now faced with a month of being friends with Harry. The problem is, Harry can't know about it, so how will Draco suddenly become his new best mate?

Oh, Lord, written for hd_500, 2009 [PG-13, 930 words]

Summary: A bit of a crack-ish fic. I couldn't resist when given these prompts: shimmer, elf, ring, "Am I dreaming?" ;D

Passerà, written for hds_beltane, 2007 [NC-17, 9900 words]

Summary: Harry finds himself going through the motions of life. Not sure how he got here, but sure he can't continue on this way, he decides to leave England and the wizarding world behind. But what about Draco?

Pheromones, Friends and First Times, written for hds_beltane, 2008 [NC-17, 12,600 words]

Summary: When a Weasley Wizarding Wheeze goes horribly wrong, Fleur is fascinating, Bill is bewildered, Ron gets rejected, Hermione heaves ho, Harry becomes harried, Draco is determined, Blaise is brazen and Pansy is particularly perceptive.

The Rain Will Fall [Adult, 3096 words, angst]

Summary: Harry hates the rain. He reflects on a few of the reasons why. Links to sequels provided.

The Slytherin Way, written for hds_beltane, pinch hit 2007 [PG-13, 7660 words in two parts]

Summary: The story begins as Draco and Snape flee Hogwarts at the end of HBP. Part one is pre-slash; part two is Harry/Draco.

Smile For the Camera, written for slashfest, 2007 [PG, 3150 words]

Summary: A wedding brings out the best in Harry and Draco finds he rather likes it. The request: Post war. People have moved on, leaving the past behind. Draco and Harry meet up with the camaraderie of two people who fought the same war.

Something Completely Different, written for slashfest, 2007 [14+, 1950 words]

Summary: Harry and Draco run into Dudley while on vacation, and feelings long ago suppressed come to the forefront for Harry. Thankfully, Draco is there to pick up the pieces. The request was: Post-Voldemort. Hurt/Comfort fic. On their vacation, Harry and Draco run into his homophobic cousin, Dudley. This causes Harry to remember the horrific neglect and taunting he suffered at the Dursleys' house, making him feel that Draco deserves better. Draco then sets out to prove how much he loves Harry. Happy ending, please.

Still Got It, written for slashfest, 2007 [NC-17, 3400 words, extreme fluff]

Summary: Harry has a little something special planned for his and Draco's fifth wedding anniversary. Request: “Harry/Draco Postwar, established relationship, Harry & Draco celebrate an anniversary.”

The Strongest Force, written for slashfest, 2008 [14+, 12,200 words]

Summary: At a time when Harry's life had finally settled, his career well established, the constant publicity he'd known since age eleven finally waning, and love in his life, things never looked better. It was only a matter of time before tragedy struck. Now it's a race against time to prevent the tragedy from becoming permanent. Can Draco and the team of Healers at St. Mungo's save Harry, or has his fate yet again been determined by forces beyond their control?

A Time to Move On, written for hd_holidays, winter 2008 [PG-13 / light R, 15,500 words]

Summary: With the war behind them, and wounds still raw, the students at Hogwarts try to work out what their futures might hold for them, and perhaps recapture a little of their lost youth along the way.

Too Good For Him, written for slashfest, 2007 [PG, 1785 words]

Summary: Harry had finally found happiness. Draco had finally found a partner. Insecurities arose and their hopes were dashed. Can they find it within themselves to forgive and forget, or will the resolution they secretly long for be lost? The request: I would love a post-Hogwarts fic where Harry & Draco had been a couple at some point before and had a nasty break up. They run into each other later (by accident or by interference from friends) and after fighting about why they broke up, they realize it was a mistake and begin again.

Unsung Hero, written for hds_beltane, 2009 [R, 16,000 words]

Summary: This time, it's Draco's turn to play the hero. But at what cost?

Welcome Back, written for the hd_remix fic exchange. [R, 3180 words]

Summary: (original) - Harry never says anything, but Draco knows. Draco knows he lies awake in bed at night, thinking about his life. (remix) - The story is retold from Harry's point of view, as the memories of his past haunt him and take over his mind, preventing sleep, preventing rational thought.

Worth the Gamble, written for hpslashnotsmut, 2007 [PG, 8700 words]

Summary: When Draco Malfoy is sentenced to probation for his crimes, he must come up with a plan to make reparations that are meaningful, and he calls upon the one person that can help him do it.

Harry/Draco, Series:

Auror Training [PG-13 for now, 1200 words, WiP]

Summary: Draco, cleared of charges and successful in his NEWT year, decides to pursue a career as an Auror. With Harry. And Ron.

Coming Home [PG-13, 7 parts plus 1 sequel, 5400 words total]

Summary: Harry had left England, his life and Draco behind three years ago, when he receives and accepts an invitation to a wedding which brings him home.

Correspondence [G, 5 parts, 2000 words total, WIP]

Summary: After the war, corresponding by letter seems the best way for Draco and Harry to communicate. Eventually, letters are not enough.

A Different View [PG-13 overall up to part 14; NC-17 (last part only), 15 parts (+5 part Bs), 12,085 words total]

Summary: Draco is ordered to complete community service in reparation for his crimes. He chooses to help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts, where he finds that his former nemesis is his only friend.

Update Feb/08: Harry's friends have accepted his relationship with Draco ... or have they? This second set of chapters looks at their interaction with the Gryffindors, as well as their relationship as they celebrate their first Valentine's Day together. [14 additional parts, 8210 words]

Fallen [PG-13, 2550 words, 2/3 parts posted, WiP]

Summary: Draco acts impulsively, but as the feelings he's managed to suppress for so long begin to surface, he's left wondering why he would do such a foolish thing.

Family Secrets [PG for now, 4 parts posted, WiP]


banner by winter_june                                                       banner by mtranc3

Summary: Lily shares with her brother a little family secret that came as a bit of a surprise to all of them.

Getting There [PG-13, 10 parts, 3,800 words total]

Summary: A ten-part series showing the development of Draco and Harry's relationship, from friends to more.

The Missing Years [PG-13 for now, 1 part posted, WiP]

Summary: What exactly happened during the missing nineteen years between the Battle of Hogwarts and the dreaded Epilogue of doom?

No Home for the Holidays [NC-17, 11,900 words, 13/? parts posted, WiP]

Summary: Against their friends' wishes, Harry and Draco, each for his own reasons, decide to remain at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays.

Obsession [PG for now, 1 part posted, WiP]

Summary: Harry misses Draco in ways he never imagined.

Quidditch Hotness [NC-17, 3 parts, 8000 words total]

Summary: An interview for an article about "The Next Generation of Quidditch Hotness" goes terribly wrong, and leaves Ron with some explaining to do, while Harry and Draco are left pondering some unrealized feelings. Collaboration with alaana_fair and o_k_go (aka melmoe1).

Return to Hogwarts [14+, 2 parts, 6067 words total, WiP, pre-DH]

Summary: The students return to Hogwarts, post-war, and Headmistress McGonagall encourages inter-house unity.

Too Late for Love [NC-17, 5 parts, 4,400 words total]

Summary: Draco hopes it's not too late to recover what he's lost, to tell Harry how he really feels.

Wizard of the Month [first three months complete and linked below; abandoned after March]:

Summary: Witch Weekly introduced a new column, Wizard of the Month, for 2008. They published a series of ten articles on each wizard to provide readers with a bit more insight into the lives of the men they honoured.

January's feature wizard: Ron Weasley
February's feature wizard: Draco Malfoy
March's feature wizard: Harry Potter

A Woman Scorned [14A overall, 16 parts, 27,600 words total]

Summary: Ginny is convinced that Draco has used some sort of spell, enchantment or potion to lure Harry into his clutches and keep him there. Since no one else believes her, she takes matters into her own hands, and removes Harry from Draco's influence. Draco works with Hermione to find any way possible to bring Harry home, while the rest of the wizarding world searches for him.

Albus Severus/Scorpius:

Two Can Play That Game, written for the_ass_fest, 2008 [PG-13, 9700 words, AS/S]

Summary: When Scorpius Malfoy is kidnapped from Hogsmeade, Auror Potter is brought in to investigate. Meanwhile, it is said that rumours start with a grain of truth. Sometimes it works the other way around.

Other Pairings, Gen, Various:

Communication Breakdown, written for hp_rarities, 2008 [PG-13, 7300 words, Neville/Luna, Charlie/Tonks, Harry/Pansy]

Summary: When Teddy Lupin is injured at school and his mother is unreachable on assignment, Harry and his friends work against the clock to figure out what happened, and how to make him well again.

In the Shadows, written for hp_rarities, 2009 [NC-17, 5600 words, Snape-centric, multiple pairings, angst]

Summary: What if your memories are all you have … and even they are in the shadows?

The Order [PG-13, 10 parts, 6500 words total, continuing arc]

Summary: A series of one-shots, chronicling the lives of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, all of which can stand alone.

Recruiting Techniques [NC-17, 1800 words, James Sr / Lucius]

Summary: When Lucius Malfoy is the recruiter, one never knows what to expect.

Wrockstock Drabbles, 2007 [10 fics, ranging from G to NC-17, based on prompts provided]

Summary: Ten stand-alone gift fics for my cabin-mates at Wrockstock. Most are H/D, although there's a gen Ron, a Pansy/Hermione (H/D also), a Viktor/Ron, and a *gasp* Harry/Ron as well, based on the recipients' preferences.

Birthday Gifts, 2009 [various ratings and pairings]

Birthday Gifts, 2008 [various ratings and pairings]

Birthday Gifts, 2007 [37 fics, ranging from G to NC-17, based on prompts provided]

Christmas Ficlets, 2009 [various ratings and pairings]

Christmas Ficlets, 2008 [various ratings and pairings]

Christmas Drabbles, 2007 [27 drabbles ranging from G to NC-17]

master list of fic, master list, my fics, summary

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