Long Overdue (11/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG-13)

Feb 12, 2008 01:53

Title: Long Overdue (11/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1145
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Dean, Ron, Seamus, Hermione
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #11 - "Pleasure and Pain," and slythindor100's prompt 4 - a picture of a two-seater tub with candles surrounding it.
Summary: An evening at the pub, round two.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Valentine/08 entries for A Different View, click here.

To see all parts of A Different View, including the Christmas/07 ficlets, click here.

"I'll understand if you say no, mate," Ron said, "but we're hoping you'll accept."

"You go on ahead, Harry," Draco offered. "I've got some things to do at home anyway."

"No, Malfoy," Ron ventured. "We're inviting you too. Not you as Harry's guest, but as a friend. What do you say?"

"But I'm not your friend," Draco said.

"Well, we'd like to change that. What do you say? Let us make up for the last time."

"I don't know, Ron --"

Draco interrupted Harry with a hand to his arm. "Sure, why not?" He didn't know what exactly they were up to, but if it was something to make him look the fool, or to take pleasure in his pain, he would be ready for it. But if they weren't ... if they were sincere ...

"Are you sure?" Harry asked. "You don't have to, you know."

"Of course he doesn't have to," Ron said to Harry. He turned to Draco and continued, "But I'm glad you said yes. The others will be too."


"Draco, you don't have to do this. It doesn't matter to me."

"Of course I do, Harry. And of course it matters to you. They're your friends, and I'm your boyfriend. Of course you want us all to get along. If they're extending an olive branch to me, I'll take it."

Harry smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Oh, don't kid yourself. If they are doing this as some sort of prank, I'll hex their balls off."

A look of fear crossed Harry's face quickly, but then it was gone. "They wouldn't do that. Not after the last time, and not after so long. They already told Ginny off for being ..."

"A bitch?"

"Er ... yeah. But you know she's not --"

"That remains to be seen, Harry." He knew he needed to put this delicately. "Look, I won't stir things up with her, but I won't blindly believe that she's over you, or that she'll leave us alone. You believe what you want to believe. Meanwhile, we'll agree to disagree on the matter."

Harry looked like he was about to argue, then huffed out a breath. "They must be sincere."


Draco breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ginny wasn't there. Not that he was completely at ease with any of them, but ... well, he didn't feel like he had to be on his guard every second with them. Not that he wasn't, but still ... it wasn't quite as intense.

Dean lifted his glass. "Draco, I'd like to extend a toast of friendship to you, and an apology. I know you aren't the same person you were in school, and really, none of us knew you or what your life was like then. Whatever happened in the past, if Harry can look beyond it, I suppose I can too. And you seem an alright bloke now, so here's to leaving the past in the past, and moving on as friends."

Draco smiled and raised his glass, not sure what to do. He chanced a glance at Harry who winked at him, grinning widely.

Ron got up next. "Malfoy, you deserved an apology from all of us, and I'm sorry it's taken so long in coming. You're still an arrogant, snarky prat, but I guess you're not that bad."

Draco raised an eyebrow along with his glass. "You humble me, Weasley." Ron smirked in response.

Hermione raised her glass. "It's clear that you're not the same person now that you once were, and I don't think we really gave you a chance before, but we will now."

Draco nodded and smiled at Hermione. For a Mudb--Muggle born, she wasn't all that bad. Well, once you got past that hair anyway.

"Anyone that can put up with Harry here is alright in my books," Seamus said, holding his Guinness high above the table. "And I suppose you didn't deserve the shite we were shovelling that night. It won't happen again." As an afterthought, he added, "Oh, and the drinks are on us tonight, mate."

Draco drank to yet another toast, completely overwhelmed by what was happening. He'd accepted that they didn't like him, and he knew they had good reason. There was certainly no love lost between the Malfoys and the Weasleys, to be sure, so Ron's acceptance was probably the most surprising. He was getting used to their acceptance of his and Harry's relationship, but he figured they only did it to keep Harry happy. He never dreamt it would be possible for them to accept him as a friend. It was all a bit much.

Not one for public dramatics, he remained seated as he addressed the group. "I realize that this hasn't been the easiest thing for any of you to accept. In fact, if you'd told me a year ago that I'd be with Harry, I'd have told you that you were all due for a stay at St. Mungo's. I certainly never expected to be considered a friend. I accept your apologies. To be perfectly truthful, I can't say that I would have done any differently if the situation were reversed, though admittedly Slytherins would have been much more subtle about it. Certainly if you can put the past behind us, I can do the same."


As the evening wound down, Draco waited for the perfect opportunity. When Ron excused himself and went to the loo, he followed.

"Weasley, may I ask a favour?"

"We bought your bloody drinks, you wanker! What more do you want?" he laughed.

"Keep Harry here for a little while after I leave. I want to welcome him home with ... well, a little surprise." When Ron stood there not responding, he continued, "I want to --"

"No, no! No need, mate! I don't want to know. Too much information, you know. I s'pose we could manage to hold him back for a few, but no guarantees how long."

"Thanks. Fifteen minutes should do."

"Can I take a piss now?"

Snorting in response, Draco waved him off and returned to the table.


Pleased with the scene he'd created, Draco welcomed Harry home in style. He gave him a kiss before leading him into a newly enlarged and magically decorated bathroom. The tub was alight with candles, surrounded by the richest golds and creams.

Looking at what used to be his master bath, Harry was stunned. "You did all this ... for me? Tonight?"

"Mm hmm. It's a temporary charm, but it'll hold for the night. A bit of a preview for our vacation, perhaps?" Harry looked suitably impressed. "I thought that after all the pain we had caused each other in the past, I might show you just how much pleasure our relationship could bring."

And he set about doing just that.

Part 12 - Magical Vacation Plans


valentine 08, awdt, different view, slythindor100, valentine 2007, h/d

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