Alone With You (3/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View) (H/D, PG)

Feb 04, 2008 20:27

Title: Alone With You (3/14 Valentine fics, updating A Different View)
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: 545
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron
Challenges: For AWDT's two weeks of Valentine quickies, prompt #3 - "I only wanna be with you" and my 10_themes prompt #10 - "Hotel."
Summary: Draco straightens Ginny out with some unexpected help.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Valentine/08 entries for A Different View, click here.

To see all parts of A Different View, including the Christmas/07 ficlets, click here.

"Well?" Draco asked. "I'm waiting, Weasley."

"It's alright, Draco. Let's just go," Harry offered.

"Oh, I don't think so, Harry." Draco shot him a murderous look and Harry backed down.

"Sooo," Draco turned back to Ginny, "it seems that you have forgotten that Harry is your ex-boyfriend. Allow me to remind you." He stalked closer to Ginny who stood her ground, looking entirely too relaxed, Harry thought. "Harry is with me now. He no longer wants to be with you. I believe he's made that perfectly clear. So, if you know what's good for you, you'll back off."

"Or what? The little Death Eater wannabe will come after me?"

Everyone in the room stared wide-eyed at Ginny, clearly shocked at her comment. This can't end well, Harry thought.

"Ginny, shut up," Ron said.

"Why should I, big brother? He's just --"

"Stop it, Ginny," Hermione interjected.

"Yeah, don't even try finishing that," Dean added. Ginny was not looking so confident.

"Malfoy isn't the same prat he used to be, Gin. He doesn't have to put up with this," Ron explained, "and I don't want to be a part of it either. He makes Harry happy, and that's what's important."

"He's good for Harry," Hermione agreed. "Harry's happier than I've ever seen him, so I think maybe you should just accept that they're together and move on. Lashing out at Draco doesn't accomplish anything."

"Except maybe making you look like a jealous shrew," Seamus offered with a shrug. Harry caught Draco's lip twitching at that remark.

"Fine," Ginny said. She threw Draco a scathing look, then stormed out.

Draco looked as shocked as Harry felt.

"What just happened?" Draco asked quietly.

"Like I said the other day, mate, you make Harry happy." Ron slapped Draco on the back. "I guess you can't be all that bad."


"Well," Harry said when they were finally alone. "That was interesting."

"I'll say." Draco grinned sheepishly at Harry. "I can't believe they all told her off."

"Well, she was wrong."

"Yeah, but she's a Gryffindor. You guys all stick together."

"Oh, no one's about to lynch her. But no one is about to stand by and let anyone lash out unfairly at one of their friends, even if it's another friend."

"But she wasn't lashing out at you."

"I was talking about you, Draco."

"I'm not their friend, Harry."

"Ron wouldn't tell his sister off if he didn't consider you a friend. Hermione might, but not Ron. And Dean? He definitely wouldn't say anything against Ginny. I think he still fancies her a bit."

"I dunno ..."

"Well, I think you'll see eventually, as long as you're willing to look." He pressed his lips to Draco's forehead with a smile. "So, will you be my date to the dance?"


"But why not?" Harry tried not to pout. "I never told Ginny I wanted to go with her."

"I know that Harry. But it's our first Valentine's Day together as a couple, and I'd rather just spend it alone with you, maybe go to a hotel for the night. That's okay with you, isn't it?"

Harry grinned widely. "It's more than okay. To tell you the truth, I only wanna be with you too."

Part 4 - Out of Line


valentine 08, awdt, different view, 10_themes, harry/draco table 5 (sesheta_66), valentine 2007, h/d

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