Educational Television (H/D, PG-13)

Jan 30, 2008 01:14

Title: Educational Television
Author: sesheta_66
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1021
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: For starrose17's birthday prompt of "how to spice up your sex life," based on a scenario shown on TV. It also fits my 10_themes prompt #08 - "Shop".
Summary: Harry got roped into another shopping trip. This time, however, he has a plan of his own.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Harry grinned wickedly as he turned off the telly. That show had proven to be very interesting after all. It was some Muggle nonsense about how to improve your sex life. He would have turned the ridiculous thing off had he not been busy.

But his hands had been otherwise occupied baking up a batch of his favourite cookies, as requested by his not-to-be-denied godson and goddaughter for their party on the weekend. Even after all these years, Harry still enjoyed baking the old fashioned way. It gave him a sense of accomplishment to prepare certain things without magic.

So, as it was he was stuck watching it, never having mastered wandless magic. As the show progressed, however, his interest increased, and he decided right then and there to act on one of their suggestions. Not that he and Draco needed to improve their sex lives, of course. They were both adventurous and young enough to keep things very interesting indeed. No, Harry had a completely different ulterior motive for this.

As Harry arrived at the shopping centre, he had to hold back his laughter. Draco had managed to sweet talk and manipulate him into agreeing to this shopping excursion. Oh, he knew perfectly well that Harry hated to shop, but that hadn't stopped him coercing Harry into it. As he stood there, Harry still couldn't remember exactly how Draco had roped him into joining him.

But it didn't matter. He was there now, and he planned on turning the tables on his sneaky boyfriend. Oh yes, it was his turn for manipulation. Draco wouldn't last a half hour, he was sure of it. Harry's wicked grin returned as he adjusted his coat and entered the Muggle shopping centre.

"I hope you're in the mood for a nice long day of shopping," Draco said happily by way of greeting. "After all, Mother was very disappointed that you didn't attend her party last night. It was hard work smoothing things over with her."

Ah, yes, the Malfoy party. Harry had been desperate not to attend, and Draco had lovingly agreed, only to lay a guilt trip on him for it, suggesting that Harry should be prepared to show his appreciation. Harry had readily agreed, assuming that he would be asked to perform some sexual favours to make up for Draco's hardship. Then he sprung shopping on Harry.

He frowned at Draco as he recalled that discussion. "I can hardly wait."

"Now, now, Harry, you agreed to this after all."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get on with it."

Draco almost jumped with glee at the prospect of a day spent shopping. Harry inwardly groaned, but his mood lightened considerably as he pictured Draco ushering them out shortly.

He graciously followed Draco into his favourite designer clothing store, and waited for him to try on something.

"You will love me in this!" Draco called from the change room.

"I don't know. I think you'll like me better in what I'm wearing."

Draco appeared, dressed in a charcoal cashmere sweater and black trousers. He did look wonderful. "Oh, really?" he asked Harry, wiggling his arse. "Better than this?"

Harry smiled and looked appreciatively at Draco. "Mmm, you do look delicious." He pretended to ponder the choice, then added, "But I'm quite sure you'd prefer what I'm wearing."

Draco scowled. "Well then, show me!"

"Oh, no. Not until we get home."

"But that's not for hours."

"Suit yourself, but you don't get to see until we're home."

"Is it something new?"

"Not exactly, although one might suggest it is."

"Well that's cryptic."

Harry just smiled and brushed down the front of his coat.

"Will you give me a hint?"


"Fine then. Be like that," Draco said as he went back into the change room.

"I think you might have told me before that you really liked the way I looked in it," Harry volunteered as Draco was changing. "In fact, I'm sure of it."

"Well, I like the way you look in a lot of things, Harry." He came out of the change room in a navy suit looking both professional and gorgeous. Harry growled his approval. "So, you like this?"

"Definitely," Harry agreed. "But still …"

"Don't tell me you look more dapper than I do?"

Harry chuckled. "No, I don’t think dapper is the word I'd use."

"And what word would you use?"

"One word?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Potter, out with it!"

Harry leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Naked."

Draco pulled back and stared wide-eyed at him. "Did you say … naked?"

"Mm hmm."

"You're joking."

"Not joking."

"Get in here," Draco growled huskily.

"Nope," Harry quipped, pulling himself out of Draco's reach.

"I don't believe you."

"Oh, it's true," Harry assured him. "And seeing you in those clothes, looking so sexy … You know you look sexy, too, and it shows. I'm half hard just thinking about slowly peeling those clothes off your lithe body, like unwrapping a much-anticipated present at Christmas."

Draco let out a whimper. "Get in here," Draco said again.

"Not a chance. You're waiting until we get home before you get this." He brushed his hand down the front of his coat, letting out a moan as he brushed over his burgeoning erection.

"How do I know you're not lying?" Draco asked.

Harry glanced around to be sure no one could see, then he slowly opened up his coat, giving Draco a clear view. Draco's eyes flashed as he saw that Harry, in fact, was not lying.

"I'll meet you outside the store when you're done," Harry said calmly as he closed the coat and walked out into the store. It was less than a minute when Draco again joined Harry outside the store.

"What? Aren't you buying anything?" Harry asked, holding back a chuckle.

"You don’t play fair, Potter."

"What do you mean?"

Draco dragged Harry towards the washrooms, and as soon as they reached the corridor, he Apparated them home.

"Draco! The Muggles!"

"Would understand my predicament. You. Naked. Bedroom. Now!"

Harry happily complied. After all, he did owe Draco something.


bday, fic, bday gift 08, gift, h/d

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