Part of the Family (H/D, PG)

Dec 31, 2007 00:12

Christmas Gift Drabble #27:

Author: sesheta_66
Giftee: melmoe1
Prompt(s): None, but she loves Ron & the rest of the Weasleys.

Title: Part of the Family
Rating: PG
Word Count: 482
Pairings/Characters: Harry/Draco, the Weasleys
Other prompts: 100_prompts: 008 - "Blessing"; slythindor100: #26 - "Boxing Day"
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Christmas drabbles, click here.

"Why is it that you are dragging me to the hovel on Boxing Day, Harry?"

Harry scowled at his boyfriend. "It's not a hovel; it's called the Burrow."

"Yes, yes, I know what it's called. Still ... you were just there yesterday."

"Yes, and you were at the Manor. I had Christmas Eve dinner with you and your parents, and now you can have Boxing Day dinner with the Weasleys."

"But they hate me," Draco tried to explain.

"Oh, and your father loves me?"

"Well ... he's only one person. The Weasleys are like, I dunno, a hundred or so, give or take."

"They are not! Besides, they don't hate you."


"Look, you are an important part of my life now, and I want us both to make the effort, especially at the holidays."

"Oh, alright," Draco relented. "I'll go. But if I get hit with a hex, I'm leaving straight away."

"Deal." Harry grinned. He had already warned Ron, George and Ginny, who were the only ones likely to try anything on Draco, and he'd asked Hermione, Bill and Charlie to help him keep watch over the three to ensure they behaved.

As the night wore on, Draco visibly relaxed, and had engaged several of the Weasleys in conversation at different times. Everyone but Ron and Ginny had made an effort to make Draco feel more comfortable, and even the two of them, though not initiating conversation, had refrained from being rude. It was the best that Harry could have hoped for.

After the meal, they all retired to the sitting room and sipped on some mead. Draco was the first to speak.

"I'd like to thank you for inviting me to dinner," he said to Molly and Arthur. "I realize I'm not everyone's favourite --"

"Now, now," Arthur interrupted. "There'll be none of that. The past is the past, and you are not your parents. Harry is family, and --"

"And you've been a blessing for him!" Molly interjected, a little more exuberantly than she might have ordinarily. She got up from her seat and walked over to where Draco was sitting. "You make him happy like no one ever has," she continued. "Sorry, Ginny," she whispered to her daughter. Turning back to Draco, she added, "Harry is family. He loves you. That makes you family too."

Harry was stunned at this proclamation, especially since he'd never said those words to anyone, not even Draco yet. But they were true. As Draco looked into Harry's eyes, he nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, mate," piped up Ron, smacking Draco on the back. "Anyone that can make Harry smile like that is alright in my books. 'Course, I'll have to kill you if you hurt him." He nudged Draco in the shoulder and chuckled. "Welcome to the family, Ferret!"

Looking into Harry's elated face, Draco groaned, "Merlin's beard, I'm an honorary Weasley!"


100_prompts, gift, christmas, slythindor100, h/d

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